Dread Ninja Roberts

I wanna chew my cud all night

I've just posted that I'm calling that the servant girl who came to the door of the Queen's bedchamber is Arya in disguise. The camera hung on her for that extra beat which indicates she's important somehow.

Or she could have decided to go to King's Landing and continue with her mission. I'm very suspicious of the servant girl who came to the bedchamber door. That could be Arya in disguise.

Or did her encounter with Nymeria cause her to switch directions and head for Kings landing again, The camera followed the servant girl who saw Cersei and Jamie in bed a little longer than it needed to. That might turn out to be Aryia there to kill the Queen and biding her time for the moment.

Isn't there a strong implication, at least, in the books that the Maesters have technology that they are hiding? Basically electric lights and radio/video communication?

Mrs. Peel was the sexiest character ever on TV. And in another role she married James Bond. The Queen of Thornes was an excellent addition to Diana Rigg's resume.

Yes, I actually first heard about it in the mid 1980's from a professor who was very pro-nuclear energy. I also had one of the members of my thesis committee quoted a couple of times in Al Gores documentary "An Inconvenient Truth".

Thanks I was going to go to IMDB to figure out where I knew him from and you saved me the effort.

I think the isn't the show to level charges of sexism at. Avasarala and Draper are two of the most competent and strongest characters on any show around.

Only because she is getting some of her revenge. She was consumed by her wish for revenge when she started keeping her list of people to kill.

You mean Arya.

Who else was in a position to take it. I think the deal there is you sit in the chair, you have the job.

He was killed so that Qyburn could take his place as grand maester. It wasn't that he'd done anything particularly wrong or against the Lannisters.

Remember the Blackfish reminded Jamie that he was sworn to protect Sansa and bring her back to Riverrun. Maybe Jamie decides that rather then wait two years in a siege it would make sense to march his troops Northward and go pick her up. And they he can kill a few Boltons and redeem himself as a character.

What chu talkin' 'bout?

Sex Panther

I call that getting beaten by the monkey when students get less than random chance on a multiple choice test. Once when I was in graduate school I saw a student get 0 on a 50 question multiple choice exam with no questions left blank. All the TA's for the course were passing that one around and being boggled by

Eight year olds, dude.

Was it sour?

All he needs is a ship with an infinite improbability drive to come along.