Dread Ninja Roberts

Not to mention the beating she took from him.

She's always been one of my favorites. I thought she started off strong last week and was even better this week. It looks like she could make a great "big bad"for the final season.

I thought from her WTF looks during Kendall's confession that it was supposed to be clear that Wendy wasn't in on it beforehand.

As far as Disquis goes? Certainly, no intelligent design there

He's not dead, he's pining for the fjords.

Yes it is.

Well I enjoyed the legendary punk band with good sound better than the one with bad sound. (I'm not sure the Vandals were as big nationally, but they have always had a big following in SoCal).

Andrew Lincoln is on the Talking Dead next week, though that correlation has broken down lately.

Yeah, Glen has gone from a favorite of mine to annoying. I hoping he will recover as a character once he starts getting sex again.

Aspergers syndrome and being "smart" go hand in hand. As someone who once worked at JPL and ended up being the chair of a college physical science department, I can state that from experience.

There's nothing sadder than an outside disqus account that thinks its an inside disquis account.

Friday: Went to see two classic punk bands at a tattoo/music festival (Musink). The Vandals were fantastic and the Descendents were very good, though they turned up the sound too loud and the mix got pretty mushy.

That's up next on the violence channel.

Well "As Ripley said to the android Bishop" certainly didn't go over very well.

Is PHRASING back in the rotation now?

Are you with me Dr Wu? Are you really just a shadow of the man that I once knew?

My interpretation of the book version of The Lost World was that it was a sequel to the Jurassic Park movie rather than a sequel to the book.

I see what you did there about season 2. Pretty funny.

There was something on the talking dead about that. Gimple said that as time has passed the zombies vision has deteriorated so that now all they can see is movement and light, thus they are now drawn towards fire, when they were not after they first turned.

I totally read it that way when she first said that line about shooting the woman in the head. We've had plenty of clues that Lizzie was totally crazy by now.