Dread Ninja Roberts

Episode 11

Yes, am aware of that. I wrote a line about recessive genes in my original post but apparently cut it out before posting it. I think I may have misremembered the scene and Mike was directly said to be Peanut's dad.

Well they get you in there with that 11 CD's for a penny, but then it turns out you can NEVER get out. And you miss one letter and there is an Eddie Money CD in your mailbox for $15 plus $3 S&H.

It's better to be a Frontier Psychiatrist.

Yeah, Courtney Love was found guilty for libeling her lawyers with a tweet. She got into a dispute about fees and then slammed them on twitter. Not a smart series of moves.

That's just something Martin does in Song of Ice and Fire , Lots of names sound almost like "normal" names. All the knights are called "Ser" instead of "Sir" and you have character names like Joffrey, Eddard, and Davos.

I did notice that Peanut was way lighter skinned than both MIchonne and Mike. Mike was identified as her "lover" but that does not mean he was the baby-daddy.

I agree. This episode really worked for me, Focusing on just a 3 characters and adding some depth to them was a good move. Both for this one episode and for future prospects as well.

Oh yeah. She was responsible for one of the highlights of my life.

Yes, all of the plots are moving along nicely. Whatever storyline they cut to tonight, it felt like I was just as involved in it as I was to the previous one.

It's probably even money that he makes it through the next episode.

I assumed he'd done a lot of working out between Firefly and Dollhouse. But then again maybe he was always that cut and the Firefly costuming just didn't show it off.

Was I the only one sure that Art had bugged the conference room and that Raylan was walking into a trap there? It looks like that might not be the case by the end of the show though.


But the truth is you're the weak and he is the tyranny of evil men.

I didn't realize the Saint novels were a thing. I got into watching reruns of the television show for awhile around the time I was in college. I have a fear I'd be disappointed if I were to watch it today.

He wishes.

On Friday night I saw the Eagles play in LA. They put on a great show and the newly reopened LA Forum was a little bit nicer than it was and the sound was far far better than in the old days. The Eagles were probably the classic rock band I've enjoyed the most without seeing live to this point. I've passed on

Very good observations there.

That's all perfectly reasonable. I still think it would be a stretch for a marshall to give a gun to a fugitive he'd been hunting though. And Shelby had fooled them all for so long I think they'd feel he was capable of anything, and thus would be too big of a risk.