Dread Ninja Roberts

Remember that bloody handprint was very low on the door and seemed quite small when Rick compared it to his hand. I think the girl cut their throats to help them "transform" quicker as an act of mercy and to prove that she wasn't weak. Then Carol discovered it, and finished them off before they turned and burned

It was pretty damn funny watching Hardwick get frustrated with Manson's idiocy and abuse of whatever substance he was on.

Unless her "damn good reason" was that she was just saying she killed them in order to protect the real killer, her pseudo-daughter.

I bet they still will. My theory is that Carol took the rap for her "non-daughter". She made a big deal this week about "not being weak" since she that's what she was told when she couldn't terminate the walker her father was turning into. So she went to prove that she could do it. Rick found the small bloody

He's more of a Rickochrite than a Ricktator at this point.

It is the highest rated scripted show on TV these days, so a lot of people are watching.

Friday night watched the USC vs Oregon State Football game (Trojans pounded the Beavers) at a bar with a bunch of USC alumni and then did some karaoke at another place.

Actually Carol - o = Carl

The producers have said a couple of times that this disease is based on the "Spanish Flu"

I laughed at the Thriller parody and then it morphed into a parody of Jackson's Captain Eo ride at Disneyland and it was really hilarious. I think a general guide for PDN and others who don't find this funny is to assume that the jokes are going over your head. Because Brendon Small pulls in things from so many

A pig will eat it's own feces, and it needs to have a hell of a lot of personality, like Arnold from Green Acres, to make up for that.

Bingo.    Trick of the Tail and Wind and Wuthering are as good as anything done with Gabriel or close enough to it to make it a matter of personal taste.   My very favorite is Selling England by the Pound, but TotT and WaW are right there.

I remember at the time that it was the record company who insisted the project be called Yes.

Better yet was the UK version, because it didn't have "Paperlate" and the other pop.  Instead you got of 4th side of classic Genesis songs live.

@avclub-ae75b895689d74f9c5a1baae54ff8a4a:disqus  Your scenario could never happen.   These days everybody in education (at least in California but I'm assuming most other states) has to get fingerprinted and go through a records check.

At least they have an ethos.


Sterling Archer approves.

But Suckerpunch is horrible.

I certainly did enjoy Hot Fuzz more on the second viewing.   My post trilogy grades have been adjusted to: