Dread Ninja Roberts

Having a bunch of friends who smuggled in enough drinks to share was pretty awesome too.   I hadn't done that in ages and had planned on swinging by the store on my way there, it would have made me late.

No but it is true that dog's can't look up.

The first side of that album, especially the songs Modern Love and China Girl invariably bring back one of my best and most intense memories ever.

Interesting.   I've only seen HF once and was kind of disappointed in it.   I enjoyed it, just not nearly as much as SotD.  Hopefully it will work better for me on my second viewing tonight.

I have a group of friends who fandangoed the tickets for this a couple of weeks ago.

Shaun > Scott Pilgrim >  Hot Fuzz

I'm going to see a marathon of the whole trilogy in the theater with friends tonight.

Obviously not all feminists are humorless harpies.   But we seem to have established that there exist humorless harpies who are feminists.

In 1983 I graduated from college and left California for graduate school in Ohio.    I got dumped by the girlfriend I'd had since my junior year of high school but I found out that other women were willing to have sex with me.   So it was a good year overall (other than the couple of months in the late spring and

The song is OK, but Electric Frontier Foundation are a bad group to give money to, considering how they fight against the rights of artists to legitimately profit from their works.

Not in the city.   But there are several in nearby cities that are part of the county of San Diego.    They are average/good rather than shitty.

My favorite part was when he accused Obama of "demonizing his enemies".

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I think Ender's Game is a decent science fiction book written by a horrible horrible person.

If any of the bands I was in had ever "made it" I would have recorded a Led Zeppelin song and attributed as "traditional" in the credits.

Hey, they're not ALL dead yet.

Yeah, well I've had 2.

I'd call that a bargain.   The best I ever had.

People do try to put you down.

@persia2:disqus I think I remembered Robert Arthur just because he wrote other things that I liked at that time.    Plus I'm just the kind of geek who remembers random stuff like that.

What's the point in having this video with all the sounds totally muted?   Is that the joke here?