Dread Ninja Roberts

Plus Asimov had a huge output before he was famous when there would have been no point in hiring a ghost writer. He just never slowed down after he became well known the way others of his generation did.

I loved those when I was in elementary school and at least at that time the author of each book was clearly identified on the cover.   Robert Arthur wrote the first few and a couple of the later ones.   Others had one-off authors.

Check out his short story collections.    They contain lots of good stuff too (as I remember, I read them when I was pretty young, but loved them).

I didn't realize he was still around.   I liked Hunt for Red October when I was young and read his early ones up to Clear and Present Danger when I gave up on them and decided they were just right-wing circle jerks.   I honestly didn't realize he was still putting out novels.

Red Storm Rising.   It was OK (top of the scale for TC).

Lewis Black as Anger?   That's a stretch.

I saw this when I was a freshman in college.   Some group of young entrepreneurs formed a film club, got a lecture hall, and charged admission to it.   The room sold out early and there were a lot of people who couldn't get in.   I suspect the school passed a "no porn" rule afterwards.    It was my first ever exposure

Me too.   Princess Mononoke was the first Miyazaki I saw, so it will always be special to me for that reason.   The only one I'd say I like more is Spirited Away.

I agree that Arrietty isn't as good as the best from Studio Ghibli, but it really isn't far behind in my opinion.    I saw it in the theater and totally loved it.

I actually hosted a Sharknado party last week, since I'd recorded it and had a bunch of friends who hadn't watched it.    It was fun if you embrace the dumbness of it (and drinking helps too).

I saw we go back to the ship and nuke it from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.

Dr. Bernice!

How does the universe work?   You know somebody had to spend way too much time working it out…

Naw, they will do it, but it will just be called "Boats".

I agree to some extent that his killing of Mike was "the capper".   Mike certainly had plenty of blood on his hands but he wasn't a threat to Walt.   Mike showed some honor and principles in the way he stood by all the guys on the death list and insisted on paying them off instead of killing them.   Walt's killing of

@avclub-d6a67a3808af66a2c60a8d8cb41468db:disqus  Yes!  Exactly like all internet commenters!

You need to start watching Childrens Hosptital .    She's pretty great.

And she's got that SE London street cred going on.

Ich bin ein Berliner

Yes it was good.   This was the first thing I've watched with Todd VdW on camera and I was kind of surprised at how much he matched my mental picture of him from reading his columns all this time.