Dread Ninja Roberts

I like the first and third the best myself.  I didn't like Dune Messiah much when it came out (I'm a geezer) and saw it as an OK bridge between the two books I really liked.   I reread it a few years later and liked it a lot more though.   The quality dropped off a lot after Children that but I thought the last

@avclub-7d7c6bd4c7fa42d65cdcea5d1015a8d8:disqus  Gentleman Broncos  I was all psyched for it because it featured Jemane Clement, but it got such horrible reviews and word of mouth that I never actually saw it.

Agreed.   I think much of the hate he gets on the AV Club is pure jealousy.

I think one week Talking Dead cracked the top 20 ratings for all shows for the week.   Considering it costs pretty much nothing more than whatever they pay Hardwick, it has to be massively profitable.    This all about selling commercial time.

What's wrong with being sexy?

Yeah, that interpretation makes sense and I'm sure that's what he meant.    Though I still kind of read it as implying they are unlimited now if he says to "start limiting".   I would have said something like "cut back on the number of passes" myself.   I don't think there is any chance of that happening though.   Who

I went to see  Red 2 and enjoyed it very much through most of the movie.   I saw the original film with low expectations and was very pleasantly surprised.   The reverse happened a little bit with the sequel.    It worked best as a comedy, the action parts of it wore thin by the end and the plot was pretty silly.  

I was kind of lucky in that the first time I watched BoB I started at one of the more harrowing episodes in the middle.   Since I didn't have the emotional attachment to the characters it didn't hit me as hard and when I went back and watched from the start I was insulated by knowing who was going to make it.


My favorite Nerd T-shirt at Comic Con this year was a Dr. Seuss/quantum mechanics mash up:  The Cat in the Box.

I think there is a general trend that people will put up with less crap and hassles to get what we want as we age, and our general energy levels obviously decrease.

That was the topic of the day 2 article.

I only went to Sunday this year and it was insane.   The explaination I heard from several people is that most of the panels were weak (kid oriented) so everybody went down to the floor.    The good stuff was pretty much all in Hall H, and hearing stories of people who waited in line for 8 hours and still didn't get

Me too.   For a couple of seconds I thought he had a new novel out that I didn't know about.

I have to hope that those people post way way out of proportion to their actual numbers.   Or the USA is totally fucked.

Apparently not, or they would have done that by now.

Soccer is a great sport to watch live or on TV.  90 minutes of action within 2 hours from start to finish.
American Football is a great platform for advertisements, since you get 12 minutes of action spread over 3 and a half hours from start to finish.   Since I started watching Fox Soccer Channel a few years ago I've

Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately, Triohead.

I went to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field a couple of years ago and the lack of recorded music was a key part of the atmosphere that made it special.   I go to a few Angels games a year and the constant sensory overload at those gets to be a bit much.   It's like they are trying to compensate for the fact that baseball

Yeah, but it's WAY better if it's the college band playing the song.   Hang on Sloopy at Ohio State football games is pure awesomeness, for example.