Dread Ninja Roberts

This thread seems buried pretty dead at this point.   I have some photos that were taken during the filming.   They are from the segment "Vicious Circles", which I'm told is to be the wrap-around.   These were sent out to the cast and crew and nobody said not to put them online.   As they say it's easier to ask

I loved loved loved Pacific Rim.

My name is also detached.   I sign in still get the old stuff for my profile but nothing I post that's new connects to it anymore.   I hate Disqus.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Thanks!    I'm optimistic.   The director was positive and the scene is a big one that took most of the night to film, so there is no way they will cut it entirely.   The film is "found footage" and I'm one of three POV's doing the filming, so there is a good reason to

Death Race 2000 was actually my first (and until fairly recently) my only appearance in a film.    They filmed the climactic confrontation where Frankenstein kills the President at what is now a federal building in Laguna Niguel California.   I was a just kid in the crowd but I remember making a point to stand in

It's strange that nothing about it is up on IMDB, perhaps that's because the second one is still rolling out into the world.   I didn't recognize anybody associated with either of the first two on the set.   To be 100% honest I only dealt with the casting guy and the 2nd AD before the day of the shoot.  I only got the

I had an awesome weekend.  On Friday night I saw Wanda Jackson, the first lady of Rockabilly.  She's in the Rock and Roll hall of fame and was Elvis' girlfriend back in the 1950's.   She also recently recorded an album with Jack White.   I think very few in the crowd knew who she was at this outdoor show, but she won

But we have to remember that without it there would be no Young Frankenstein.

She's considered pretty in Buffalo.

I shouldn't have taken my daughter to see them filming for their upcoming IFC show.

Didn't we all?

Glad to see I'm not the only one catching Banshee late.   I just watched the whole thing this past weekend.

I watched the whole series this past weekend.   Liked it more than Hunted but not quite as much as Strike Back.   After the big shootout in the last episode it will be interesting to see how they reset things.   In one of the first episodes they emphasized all the paperwork that has to be done after a police shooting.

Me too.   I thought the third season was a notch below the first two in terms of quality.   And the characters run the risk of getting stale.    But I'm all for more KFP. Bring it on.

I've really liked this film and thought it was underrated since it came out.   Kurt Russell was very good in it.   I never caught the Blade Runner references though.

I hated the flip-flopping twists at the end.  He's good….now he's bad….now he's good again…

I don't know that it's plausible.   At the pole the ground surface is basically parallel to the incoming rays from the sun (on average, with NO incoming solar energy for 6 months of the year).   There isn't really any way to warm that up without absolutely cooking the rest of the planet proportionally.   Unless they

I'm glad to see Nausicaa get some love, I saw some negative comments about it earlier.   I picked up the DVD cheap at Costco the other day and now I can go into it with neither raised nor lowered expectations (other than the sky-high expectations I would have for any Miyazaki film).

Exactly my reaction as well.

Unless you are talking about the Princess Bride or the World According to Garp.