Dread Ninja Roberts

I saw them for the first time in 2000 and I agree.   STP was one of the best live acts ever at that point.

Actually the KROQ Weenie Roast is a very difficult concert to get tickets to.   It sells out within a few seconds.   This year there were 15 advertised bands, including the Black Keys, 30 Seconds to Mars, Imagine Dragons and Of Monsters and Men.   The Linkin Temple Pilots were a surprise that I had heard no rumor of

I was at the show and I wasn't sure who it was up there.   I was pretty sure it wasn't Weiland but it sounded VERY much like him (I've seen the "real" STP 3 times over the years and Velvet Revolver a couple of times as well).  I had no idea it was Chester singing until I read it in the LA Times yesterday.

I saw Picnic at Hanging Rock in an art house when it first came out and I was so pissed off when it finished.   But the movie still haunts me over 30 years later, so I consider it an absolute classic.

It's the real world version of Myspace.

I don't know.   I gave up on it before the break but checked the review this week.  It looks like it is mostly getting "hate-watched" now and there are a lot of very negative comments about it.   The consensus seems to be that it has gotten worse.

I was in Lima Peru for the 8 magnitude earthquake in 2007, which killed over 500 people.  I felt pretty offended by the trailer since it seemed to promote the idea that "those people" will just go crazy when a natural disaster breaks the social structures.   What I experienced in Peru was the exact opposite.   People

Best Roger Water's solo album.   To my ear each one has not been as good as the one that came before.

Wow, I gave up on this show awhile ago and reading this review tells me I made the right decision.

Even though they were edited down to an hour and weeks old, I loved watching those games back when I was in high school.    These kids today with their Fox Soccer Channel, Fox Soccer plus, Gol TV and ESPN's don't know how good they have it.

Isn't there a myth that the eye can retain the image of the last thing the killed person sees?

I remember the school librarian told me I couldn't check Wild Things out any more because I'd had it out too many times (I was in 1st grade).   A couple of months ago I went to a Sendak exhibit at museum (the Bowers) and loved it. That has to be the winner for me.

New Zealand did recently decide to allow gay marriage.

Isn't that the exact reason he's so popular here?

Me too.   I even remember when it was only on Sunday nights on KROQ and had three hosts:  Dr. Drew, Poorman and a lawyer.

Have to post this, his reading of the deranged sorority girl e-mail from a couple of weeks ago.


I think it was actually an e-mail that went around to the program directors.   People just kept adding songs to it and it was all spontaneous according to what I've read.  

The crazy one who hates gays now.

Not particularly embarrassing.   First time was after a Pink Floyd concert.    They have pretty much always been my favorite band and they were her favorites as well. As we left for the show she announced that if it had been any other band that night we'd be "up in the bedroom doing it right now".    By the time we