Dread Ninja Roberts

The word vagina, does it make you uncomfortable?

Tremors 2 was OK, and then they made a third one where they the monsters could fly.   And that was really bad.

I never thought that was anything virginal about Chrissy on that first Pretenders album.

That's like Poe 101.

It's a solid film.

I think that's the most wrong mash-up I've ever seen.   It was funny, but I feel like I need to go take a shower now.

Ironically they are playing with the B-52's at the Orange County fair this summer.

Sound quality on that recording blows, but it has been in my best-of-X playlist for years.


Does Aimee Mann clean your house?

Well he's a hero to ME.

Gandalf in Lord of the Rings

But he rescued Brooke Shields from drowning!

But lots of people were saying exactly that.

Not really, they live on an island called Britain or Britannia.   How is saying they are British wrong?

I wouldn't describe G.W. Bush as cunning in any way.    He is more slimy or dishonest, without the component of being clever that the term "cunning" denotes.

Indeed.   I teach I night class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I'm entrenched in my little ritual of watching Justified and Archer.   I survived the end of the seasons last year, but I didn't like it.   I need to get my college to adjust the semesters to follow the FX schedule more closely.


They can stop now then.

No, that's Roger Waters.