Dread Ninja Roberts

looked more like they took a trip to the tropics.   Those were all pythons and boas in there.

I think it has mostly good stuff, but not much really great stuff like "Achtung Baby" though.   There was some justification for the disappointment, but it was what I was hoping for when it came out.

Yeah, Passenger's was there most "out there" record.   I like both it and Zooropa very much.  I kind of felt like they explored what they were trying to do by then and I was fine with them going back to what they were before.

The plane going over and Plant saying "naw, leave it" at the start of Led Zep's "Black Country Woman".

Oh Renly your so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind,
Hey Renly
Hey Renly

hmm…if she was already sleeping with Tywin that might explain Tywin's threat to hang the next whore is caught in Tyrion's bed.   I'm not sure I buy that though.

Harrison Ford calls him "that applesauce guy".

No, that's not passive agressive, that's just being an asshole.

I had that thought while watching the show as well.   She's finally good in the role.

My favorite story about that feud is that Cope wanted to settle for once and for all the question of who was smarter after they were both dead.   He willed that his skull be preserved and his brain capacity measured and challenged Marsh to do the same.   As of 15 years ago Cope's skull was still on display at the

Fair enough evaluation.   It isn't great but it's solid and worth watching if you like that kind of thing.   It's good to throw on after Game of Thrones or Spartacus for example

They actually are cool guys.   They generally hang out and say hello to fans and sign stuff after each show.    I went to their "Campout" festival near Joshua Tree which featured Camper Van B, Cracker, and various side projects and a few other bands that were not directly connected.   The guys pretty much hung out

They seem to be doing a whole series of "mini-tours" these days.   I think it is partly due to David Lowerey's obligations to his side job teaching at the University of Georgia.    They will probably be around in your area soon.  

I saw the Cracker/Camper show in Solana Beach (Northern San Diego County) just after Christmas.   It really was an awesome show.

Give it some more time.   I totally love Las Costa Perdida and the more I hear it the more my appreciation grows.

Or him crashing random people's karaoke?   Or him filming the "walking slowly" trailer when asked for an autograph?     Murray is all kinds of awesome.

yeah, but she hangs out with drummers between shows.

Yeah, but those 4 million are paying $15 a month and the 12 million watching the zombies are just fast forwarding through commercials..

The purple wedding is cancelled.   Prince served them with a DMCA notice.

Beaver has been great and I've loved Patton Oswalt's character of the constable too.   Justified is doing a great job with casting this season.