Dread Ninja Roberts

Yep, it was spun off from Pepsi a few years ago.   They are based in Irvine CA.    Which fits so well if you know that town.

A few bands have done that when they hate the record company that owns the masters of their recordings.

I was hoping for Bernie Leadon.

That documentary is quite good.    I thought Frey came across as a total dick though.   Felder to a lesser extent but pretty bad himself.

Yeah, liquid rock is called lava at the surface.   But if it goes up into the air as a liquid it usually lands as solid material, or pyroclastics as the pros call it.

Actually the city was buried in hot ash, that's why it was preserved so well.   No lava flows got very near the city.

Caught that.   I'm gonna be bummed if George RR Martin reverses and does not make that twist after all.

The Empire Strikes Drew

I actually did line up for Star Wars on it's first Friday night (that's when movies opened back in those days).   It was great being ahead of the curve and seeing the awareness of the film spread through my high school over the next month or so as the movie became a big hit.

Coachella 2008 was a great show, but my favorite has to be my first Coachella back in 2001.   The whole thing was just new and wonderful and I liked the one day format.   Jane's Addiction did one of the best show's I've seen in my life, I saw Weezer for the first time, The Roots were very good and I saw Iggy fuckin'

I saw Prince do "Creep" at Coachella.   I loved it.

@avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus  Moore did a good job when she had an arc on Entourage.   I've  liked her when I've seen her in things but it seems she's usually in things I don't watch.

Many Moore is certainly very good looking.   But Schall is very funny and isn't unappealing, though she's less conventionally good looking.

For me any Oasis reminds me of the first time I heard "Champaign Supernova", driving to one of the best shows my band ever played.

The campfire song I had the most success with was Cracker's "Eurotrash Girl".   "Californication" by RHCP was another good one, along with "Wish You Were Here".   And a ton of various Led Zeppelin songs.

I see it isn't so.

He was dead the whole time.

I saw The Fountain years ago and thought it was OK.  But I don't remember it now at all.

A woman I was talking to at a bar last night used to work at Disneyland and she said that one of her least favorite rotations was having to spend 45 minutes watching the video cameras.   She said most of the action does happen on the Haunted Mansion and she found it very embarrassing to have to stop the ride and tell

Acutally $25K is the initiation for a for a corporate membership, for an individual it's only $10K for initiation and then $3500 a year for an individual, but the waiting list was closed for over a decade.