Dread Ninja Roberts

I was the opposite on Laeta.   When Crassus mentioned execution if figured he was going to have her killed in punishment for not being killed by Spartacus as soon as he started acting nice.

The new Bowie songs are surprisingly good though.

I disagree with pretty much everything Ann Coulter says, but I still support his decision to live his life as a woman.


Relevant, but just beaten to death already.    That's what I was expecting them to do, but I think it was too worn out even for SNL.

I would have picked up the hitchhiker but I was half-expecting them to do so and then it would turn into an ambush.

The "one black guy" thing is ORIGNIAL?    That's the standard bitching that about 20% of the commenters here have to say in some form or another every week.

More Aisha Tyler would improve pretty much anything.    She was great on TD, for sure.

For sure.   I thought they were clearly setting it up to have the option Bordain returning in some capacity, but not having to be associated with Barry and Katya.    Otherwise why have him thrown out of the copter over water?

I think the gag was that dumpster diving was her Sunday routine.

Yep.   Titan AE also got it exactly right, even including the requirement cited by @avclub-567a3e0e3c88e00ae64d58e19bb6dfef:disqus to NOT hold your breath.   If you do the air expands in your lungs, rips holes in the delicate lung tissue and bubbles enter your bloodstream, which go to your brain and kill you.   That's

Nope, that's a misdirection.

You beat me to it!   I was going to say the same thing.

Except apparently it was possible to go back!   woohoo!

No the sales at the Dairy Queen will drop off in the winter, but they'll pick right back up when summer comes around.

She's an odd combination of hot and weird.  To be honest she worked in getting my attention. more than the usual generic hottie would.

In other words, just like much of the South is now.

and men.   Other than that…

@avclub-c65a46c16b70bf886e62e791cd4a80b3:disqus Arguing the relative merits of Enlightened vs Breaking Bad is like arguing that a steak is better than a hot fudge sunday (or vice versa).

I'll be pissed if they make Merle's going over to the prison group part of the Governor's plan at some point in the future.