Dread Ninja Roberts

I think a lot of the appeal for Andrea is Woodbury rather than just the Govenor.    That's a pretty high standard of living for the post-apocalypse.

Yeah, an episode or two ago wasn't it supposed to be an all-day drive?   I guess there could be a short-cut through the woods though.

Why not just lure the zombies over to the fence and stab them in the head.   They've got plenty of time and a machete never needs ammo.

The two guys were ready to turn on Rick's group when they were still at the prison.   They'd certainly go after them now.

I really liked the first season and have the whole second season on the DVR but have not watched it yet.   I don't see it as being on the level of Justified, Breaking Bad, Spartacus, or Archer though.

I agree,  I've just seen commenters and reviewers on the AV club freak out over much less.

The tragedy is that people who were, or would have been middle class, are slipping out of it.    And yeah, they are suffering.

Agron tossed it.

I was a little surprised this was graded so hightly.   The darkness and violence were so over the top.   I guess I can see it at this point, but that was hard to watch.

Grohl has said he'd give his left nut to play a tour with them.   It would be the ultimate for him.

I saw him on one of his solo tours in the late 80's and I was amazed at how good he still was at that point.    He did OK on the Page/Plant tours as well.

HBO and the broadcast networks have totally different customers they need to satisfy.   For HBO it is keeping viewers happy enough to send in the $15 a month.   For the broadcast networks the customers are the advertising agencies and sponsors.   Remember when you watch broadcast TV you are not the customer, you are

That's pretty much why assault rifles are what they are.   In real-life it turns out that soldiers on the battlefield mostly spray bullets in the general direction of the enemy and it usually comes down to luck when somebody gets hit.

The issue with Disqus is that there are only a few levels of replying allowed.    The want to discourage long conversations with a couple of people going back and forth.  Plus with each level moving to the right of the page you just run out of room.

I assume that Todd just couldn't deal with watching Spartacus.

Really?   Is the threshold for whining about spoilers THAT low now?

It is very disappointing and not nearly as funny as FCW.

I was way ahead of the curve I guess.   I was both entertained and repelled by "Less than Zero" when it came out because I'm the same age as BEE, grew up in SoCal and was going to USC at the time.   So I basically knew the world he was writing about.    But everything he's ever done, written or said since then seems

Pretty much any show is improved by the addition of some G&O.

I think when he stammered as he spoke to Kate Miccuci's character that it was supposed to show him overcoming the whole "can't talk to women" thing.    People have certainly complained about it enough and it's hard to imagine them having a girlfriend arc for Raj with that still in place.