Dread Ninja Roberts

But the Raj C story gave us the start of a multi-episode arc for Kate Miccuci, so "Bravo!" to it.

Graduate students: the west's last indentured servants.

How is it not?

Which one is the chlamydiot?

Whew, luckily I have one of those special TV's with an off button.

There actually was an online shit delivery service about a dozen years ago or so.   I have no idea how long it lasted.

I'm cottoning to have some.

The Plimsoul's song from back around 1980 was very good.

Yeah, I gave up on it when they lost the original cast.

Plus a lot of the people who comment on this show here just seem to like to bitch and whine.

Go near a Wallmart on the day after Thanksgiving.  You'll change your mind.

sort of like an uncle then.

Funny I just watched that today.   It was OK, but no more than that for me.

What exactly is everybody's problem with the Supermodel/Nerd kissing ad?   Just because the guy isn't hot?   Can any of those complaining about it say that if the nerdy kid was replaced by George Clooney, or Tom Brady or David Beckham that they would still be all offended?

The year of the Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" we were treated to a huge wave of adds for boner pills.   My two young daughters watched the game and exposing them to talk of 4 hour erections was particularly unpleasant as a parent.

Yep, a sapphire can be any color except red, for that reason.

Half way through that ad I proclaimed "If this turns out to be an ad for Monsanto I'm going to get VIOLENT".

How about if the YouTube video is actually a preview of an ad to be aired later?    I can't believe that people were going online to watch previews and extended versions of COMMERCIALS last week.    And watching recaps of them today.

The Bud ad (and the farmer one) got totally mocked at the party I attended.

I'm glad my high school didn't require prom dates to attend the school.   I took a college girl.