Dread Ninja Roberts

It's Djesus….the D is silent.

This reminds me of modern arguments about air power vs "boots on the ground".

Guilty, but I had to fix it.

Rum and coke for me.   I teach a night class on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I enjoy my cocktail and Archer on Thursday nights and a cocktail and Justified on Tuesdays.

On the other hand it sort of worked in reverse for me.   I got extra laughs out of seeing the dead pig in the break room last week because I connected it to the 4th of Juluau jokes from the promos.

The alternate universe stuff is some of the most fun in the series.   Things like Eric Stoltz starring in "Back to the Future" over there.     And then you have great acting and some compelling dramatic storytelling on top of the fun games of spot the differences.

Just start with season 2 of Fringe.   No need to be a completest.  You will be able to enjoy it when it gets really good without missing much important stuff in the early floundering around.

It's just not the same since Moon and Entwistle died.

The Wheel of Time series!

The Wheel of Time series!

I'm guessing it depends on what it is cut with.   I've heard names like "China White" and "Asian Brown" in various movies.

Even if he got half price for them, the seller still comes out ten grand ahead and still has his chickens.  

I think it is more just a matter of the writers doing a good job.   She's been "breaking bad" for awhile, not just suddenly turning EVIL because it was useful that week.

He can just say he's a "good guy with a gun" trying to stop a "bad guy with a gun".    It's all the rage these days.

I was in a rock band back in the 90's and we were playing a house party,  it was nearing the end of the night  and our drummer being ADHD like most drummers, started messing around and playing the beat to Tusk.   The keyboard player/singer and the bass player had both gone to USC and played in the marching band so

I was a freshman at USC when that was recorded.   I had a friend in the marching band who was there at Dodger stadium for the recording and also played at the LA Forum on the tour.   For the next 3 years he obnoxiously described himself as "a former member of Fleetwood Mac".

More than two.   It was a joke in the music industry at one time that every musician in LA would be in the Big Mac at some point during his or her carrier.

I actually like the Duke album.   They rebounded a little for that one album.

It's just as good as the first two.   Not exactly a prolific band were/are they though.    Good live too.