Dread Ninja Roberts

I dunno.   I saw the Who on the three tours after Moonie died, one with the Clash opening, and they kicked some serious ass each and every time.    They were still very good the first time they toured on Quadrophenia in the early 90's.    So I'd amend that to when the drummer and bass player both die.

I agree 100%.   The show is better for letting go of awesome characters like her and  Oenomaus.

Yeah, they are great.   And it's not like on TV or in the movies we  see tons of gay couples who are loving and supportive and both (at this point) total badasses.

Did you pick up the gay vibe from Agron and Nasir too?

Exactly.   Any of the characters could slip away during or before the final battle and survive.   They don't have to go full Inglorious Basterds.

I liked HBO's Rome quite a bit, so I would consider that good news.

4th of Juluau

When my daughters were 2 and 4 they were playing one day and one was frightening the other with an imaginary snake.   I've had various pet reptiles of one sort or another for much of my life, so I took that as cue to go get a cute little baby kingsnake as a pet.   It worked and both my daughters grew up with no fear

At a university where I teach, years ago, someone brought in a wild rattlesnake into one of the biology labs where they already had several being used in research.    It was late in the day so the put the snake in a wire mesh cage for temporary housing and since the snake was way too big to fit through the mesh it

That struck me as really unrealistic.    Snakes are great escape artists and they'd lose a large fraction of them every night.   And they would have to spend a ridiculous  amount of time trying to find the ones they could recapture.   Snakes just don't make good guard animals in the real world.

Life of Pi-thon

The show is kind of mediocre, especially these two new episodes.   The reviews have not offered very much though.    The sexual angle is about 90% of what this show has going for it.

Snatch and Lock Stock are Guy Ritchie movies.   They are their own thing and have their own share of imitators.   (starting with Layer Cake).

He was good in Fido

I assumed the horrid green screen was because the actors were filmed in front of the usual studio audience instead of out at Vasquez rocks.

I assumed the horrid green screen was because the actors were filmed in front of the usual studio audience instead of out at Vasquez rocks.

I assumed the horrid green screen was because the actors were filmed in front of the usual studio audience instead of out at Vasquez rocks.

I assumed the horrid green screen was because the actors were filmed in front of the usual studio audience instead of out at Vasquez rocks.

@avclub-8f87d4b94113d31b79513839ae5dbc3f:disqus Yeah it was Jerry.   But he fought it with all he had.  Prop 13 was really the start of the "tax revolt" that eventually went on to become the modern Tea Party movement.

Hard to do worse.