Dread Ninja Roberts

If it was just the first two seasons I'd give the edge to BSG.   But taken over the whole run of the shows:

True Lies was a solid, over-the-top action movie.    The thing that amazes me though is that Tom Arnold is actually good in it, unlike everything else I've seen him in.

No having ballot initiatives that mandated spending and other ballot initiatives that cut taxes were what bankrupted the state.    Not to mention the same bad economy that hit the rest of the country.   But then that also got him into power with the silly recall election.

I had some alpaca steaks down in Peru and they were quite good.   Way better than the guinea pig.

not his non-union Mexican equivalents?

not his non-union Mexican equivalents?

Soccer.   NBC outbid Fox and ESPN for the rights to the English Premier League starting next year.    They spent over $250 million on the rights package and they are saying that they are going to air every game by every team on one of their broadcast or cable networks, similar to the way they broadcast the Olympics.

Soccer.   NBC outbid Fox and ESPN for the rights to the English Premier League starting next year.    They spent over $250 million on the rights package and they are saying that they are going to air every game by every team on one of their broadcast or cable networks, similar to the way they broadcast the Olympics.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus yeah but about 20 years ago somebody put out an article claiming he was, so the idea has floated around.    As I recall the evidence was pretty weak and it relied on a lot of conspiracy theory style thinking.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus yeah but about 20 years ago somebody put out an article claiming he was, so the idea has floated around.    As I recall the evidence was pretty weak and it relied on a lot of conspiracy theory style thinking.

To pick a nit, the film didn't become popular until the 80's.   In the 70's cable TV wasn't a big thing and there were only a few channels beyond the 3 broadcast networks (that was pre-Fox too).   I first saw it in college as part of a Capra/Sturges film series and it instantly became one of my favorites, but nobody

To pick a nit, the film didn't become popular until the 80's.   In the 70's cable TV wasn't a big thing and there were only a few channels beyond the 3 broadcast networks (that was pre-Fox too).   I first saw it in college as part of a Capra/Sturges film series and it instantly became one of my favorites, but nobody

I agree.   I enjoyed the show as it was but it did feel rushed sometimes.

I agree.   I enjoyed the show as it was but it did feel rushed sometimes.

On day of the Sandy Hook shooting I had an otherwise reasonable Facebook friend post about the school attack in China the same day.   To her the idea the 22 students "slashed" proved to her that China's stricter laws on guns wouldn't save kids.

On day of the Sandy Hook shooting I had an otherwise reasonable Facebook friend post about the school attack in China the same day.   To her the idea the 22 students "slashed" proved to her that China's stricter laws on guns wouldn't save kids.

You prefer plastic?

You prefer plastic?

More like Wallmart greeters and social security recipients.

More like Wallmart greeters and social security recipients.