Dread Ninja Roberts

Wrong.    The correct answer is Live at Leeds

Wrong.    The correct answer is Live at Leeds

Did it make a hard man humble?

Did it make a hard man humble?

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  No, the only way to be sure is to nuke it from orbit.

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  No, the only way to be sure is to nuke it from orbit.

Hell no.   I used to live in Laguna Beach, so I saw plenty of the spoiled beautiful rich kids in real life.

Hell no.   I used to live in Laguna Beach, so I saw plenty of the spoiled beautiful rich kids in real life.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus  Kids today just don't know what it was like with no DVR's, DVD's, Netflix or streaming over the internet.    It was years before I caught a rerun of that episode and was able to find out what happened.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus  Kids today just don't know what it was like with no DVR's, DVD's, Netflix or streaming over the internet.    It was years before I caught a rerun of that episode and was able to find out what happened.

And I'm happy to say that I've never seen an episode of that crap.

And I'm happy to say that I've never seen an episode of that crap.

I saw that as a kid too.   We were at a cabin in the mountains and my dad was doing some construction work.   He dropped a board and it knocked the back off of the TV picture tube just as Spock was doing the mind-meld with the Horta.    I still vividly remember the feeling of "Nooooooooooooo!" as the picture rapidly

I saw that as a kid too.   We were at a cabin in the mountains and my dad was doing some construction work.   He dropped a board and it knocked the back off of the TV picture tube just as Spock was doing the mind-meld with the Horta.    I still vividly remember the feeling of "Nooooooooooooo!" as the picture rapidly

80% of the German casualties were on the eastern front.   The Russians killed more Germans at the battle of Stalingrad than the Americans and British did in the whole war.

80% of the German casualties were on the eastern front.   The Russians killed more Germans at the battle of Stalingrad than the Americans and British did in the whole war.

ass to ass!

ass to ass!

How about the sperm bank?

How about the sperm bank?