Dread Ninja Roberts

That scene with the Yes song hit me with way more of an emotional wallop than I would have thought Alpha's would be capable of.

That scene with the Yes song hit me with way more of an emotional wallop than I would have thought Alpha's would be capable of.

Yes, it was a well done scene.    And the mention that Rachel could "get off" from a kiss really did make it a rape.

Yes, it was a well done scene.    And the mention that Rachel could "get off" from a kiss really did make it a rape.

You've never been to the 909?

You've never been to the 909?

It was an octobus!

It was an octobus!

Muse was cut entirely by NBC.    They put of a good performance of the theme song with lots of pyrotechnics.  

Muse was cut entirely by NBC.    They put of a good performance of the theme song with lots of pyrotechnics.  

If they could do a hologram Tupac at Coachella, they should have done a hologram Freddie at the Olympics.

If they could do a hologram Tupac at Coachella, they should have done a hologram Freddie at the Olympics.

I was traveling in Europe a few years ago during the Olympics and being able to watch the BBC coverage was almost worth going over to England for.    Then we went over to France and the coverage there, in French which I don't speak at all, was way way better than watching NBC.

I was traveling in Europe a few years ago during the Olympics and being able to watch the BBC coverage was almost worth going over to England for.    Then we went over to France and the coverage there, in French which I don't speak at all, was way way better than watching NBC.

I think Help! and Hard Day's Night still stand up pretty well.   I saw Magical Mystery Tour a long time ago and it already didn't.

I think Help! and Hard Day's Night still stand up pretty well.   I saw Magical Mystery Tour a long time ago and it already didn't.

Is there any difference between the two?    I heard an old Boston song on the radio the other day and was wondering which of the albums it came off of.   I realized that I know "More Than a Feeling" and "Foreplay/Long Time" were from the first one and the title song is obviously from the second one, but other than

Is there any difference between the two?    I heard an old Boston song on the radio the other day and was wondering which of the albums it came off of.   I realized that I know "More Than a Feeling" and "Foreplay/Long Time" were from the first one and the title song is obviously from the second one, but other than

Was that even supposed to be a "mystery"?    I thought it was obvious enough that there wasn't much of a question who it was.

Was that even supposed to be a "mystery"?    I thought it was obvious enough that there wasn't much of a question who it was.