Dread Ninja Roberts

It's Y Y Zed

Did I totally miss the negotiations between the Starks and Frey's that resulted in Robb's engagement?    Wasn't that all before he got together with Jeyne in the books?

It smells like Bigfoot's dick!

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina

I remember the end of the cage being heated in 1984.    That was an image that haunted me for years after I read the book.

Lysa certainly didn't kill Jon Arryn.   She fled and blamed it on the Lannisters, but it was probably Varys/Pycelle.

Did it fly by?

The lack of coffee and the amber were hints that it was not taking place in our universe.   But there wasn't enough changed for the episode to have taken place "over there".    I think this episode took place in a timeline where Jones has collapsed the two alternate universes into one.    This episode fits into the

God no….not the Terra Nova plan!

Who wants to eat?! Who the fuck wants to eat?! Go have something to eat! Hurrrrraaaaayyyyyy!

All 4?

I can't compare it to previous seasons since I joined late.   I watched the last couple of episodes of season two right before this one started.   I thought this season was great.   I put Justified up there with Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad as current dramas that are up with my all time favorites.  

The ultimate example of a guy's looks improving with age is Roger Waters of Pink Floyd.   He looks much better now than he did back in the 70's.

I'm going to go get spaghetti and meatballs now

@avclub-9ae4b65569ee86abb46dcf65cdf86bc0:disqus  You really should check it out.   It is a very fun movie.   Sure the gore is over the top but it is more silly than actually scary.    Like the Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail or a couple of scenes in Kill Bill.

The pre-CBS Les Pauls were better.

The Cabin is Luke's father.

Nope, Theon had it coming.

This should be fun.

He apparently made a good hand of the king for quite awhile though.