Dread Ninja Roberts

How many horror movies were not alluded to in the film, that might be easier to add up.

I think the best comparison for the gore is something like Peter Jackson's Dead Alive.

@Skittledog: Was he just a crazy old guy?   I got the impression that he was some sort of demon.

They are called "husband bulges" from now on.

That usage of collapse comes from quantum mechanics.   An event can be a matter of probability (like Schrodinger's cat being alive or dead inside the box) but when it is observed the waveform is said to collapse into a concrete outcome.

It took me 3 tries to make it through the pilot.    I'm going to hope this gets better but I'm not too hopeful at this point.

I realized years ago, what is essentially HDB's point here.   How you feel about your income does not depend on what the income is.   We respond to changes in income.    When I was pulling in a stipend as a graduate student I felt rich for awhile.   When I got my first job which paid crap I felt good at the time.  

Best stoic villan ever

really slow, apparently

It was more a matter of it seeming like his schock had been around for so long.  And that so many of his fans were old people.   I'd just assumed he'd been churning that stuff out for more decades than he had been.

My wife and I had the exact same reaction to hearing the news:  "They guy who painted the total scholck?    He was only 54?   I'd assumed he must have been much older".

Frau Farbissina and the militant wing have taken out plenty.

Yes!  A merging of the two theories.   Broyles is on the short list of people who knew about the transport so they have faked Lee's death to smoke him out.

He stole it from us.   Fauxlivia did make more sense when she was impersonating "our" Olivia though.   And I like the adjustment of the universes so they are not "good" and "bad" or "real" and "fake" at this point, just different.

That's one of my issues too.   With such drastic divergences between the universes there couldn't be the same individuals doing the same jobs.   Unless there was some force constantly putting everything back in the "right" place in all the universes.

I got the feeling that Earth-2 Lincon and Olivia had a romantic history from the photos in the locker.   Perhaps his orientation was what kept that from becoming a major relationship in his life.

I mean, how much more black could it be?

I don't know.   I'm trying to get into Mad Men again with this new season and I see they have done some great work on the design and general look of the show, but I just can't get hooked into it.  

He was a solid actor back on LA Law.   I think his reputation has gotten tainted over being in a couple of things that are unpopular around here, Dexter and the Star Wars prequels.    The latter is the only thing I think he's seemed really bad in, and I don't think that was his fault.

I'm with you.   The season overall was good but that ending just ruined it for me.    Shows like Spartacus and Breaking Bad have shown that you can kill off major characters and have the show be stronger for it.    Sutter should take note.