Dread Ninja Roberts

It's probably more likely that Amy gets Penny drunk and they cross some boundaries.

He still reportedly makes it the sex clubs though.

Simon:  Maybe you are a bit of a newbie around these parts and didn't realize how many Community fans have been posting here and being generally dickish.   Taken in isolation what you said isn't bad.   Given the context of reading the same thing week in and week out it comes off much worse.

He was being a dick by being yet another Community fan trolling the reviews for other shows.

I have a brown shirt with "Keep Flying,  Stay Shiny" in the style of those WWII era posters.

The had an "Umbrella Corporation, corporate retreat, Raccoon City" one at Busted Tees recently, it is probably still there.

I've got a Tyrell Corporation shirt, with an owl on it.

Being a dick does not help your show, it really does not.

Early morning, April 4th, a short rings out in the Memphis sky

They showed Raylan having to deal with the paperwork when he shot his gun up into the ceiling of the bar to scare Quarles.

And they used the Stones last week.  (I just caught up on the last two episodes and definitely noticed the music).

A move set is a weird place.   Sometimes it takes something like killing a name star and two kids before the cops get called.

What a bitter and screwed up individual you are, vicks.

It was nowhere near as bad as the complainers here say.   The show didn't live up to its potential, but it is still worth watching I think.   I'd give the first season a B-.

They mentioned that she was tending bar in Riverside.    That is at least a two hour drive inland from where he lives and works.    Marty would never venture out to the 909 area code without a very good reason to do so.

No need, it is easy enough to not read any of it now.

Becase you never knew she was a man?

You have to assume that's a joke, right?    The grammar is hopefully meant as a clue.

It is a Monday.

I tagged along on a field trip to the Tiajuana River Estuary with a graduate geology class at San Diego State University once.   The rat bastard prof took us in at low tide and we had to wade through the most disguting fluids and floating chunks to get back out.   I was amazed that nobody in that class came down a