Dread Ninja Roberts

Well worth it.

I saw it again about a year ago after not seeing it since it was in the theater at a midnight show when I was in college (and of course that says it all about my state of mind at the time).     Be warned, that movie has not aged well.

Well you do have to pass the test to prove that you are cool enough to watch it.

I heard a radio interview with Liam McIntyre a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing how humble and generally cool he came across.  He talked about being happy at just getting a free trip to New Zealand during the casting process for example.    Between that interview and this one with Stephen DeNight it makes me

@Holy Hand Grenade:    They got that idea from Raider games

That's me.  I may actually buy this book.

He's dead Jim.

Like many people, I'm sure, I first watched the HBO version of Game of Thrones, then in the months since I've read the rest of the series.   It will be interesting to see if I respond to the subsequent seasons of the HBO show differently.  

I finally watched Out of Sight just the other day.   I'd avoided it for years because of J. Lo but decided to give it a try thanks to Justified.   That flim has an amazing cast and I really liked it.

Generation Kill worked really well as both a book and a mini-series.   But then the mini-series format has a huge advantage just based on the sheer volume available.   See also Game of Thrones

I agree it seemed pretty clear.   I liked the fact that they just had it there without commenting on it.   It could well come into play in a future episode.


Many of you guys are under the mistaken impression that you are the customers when you watch commercial television.   You are not.   You are the product that is sold to advertisers.

Don't be such a douchebag.   Check out the comments whenever the topic of "Annie's boobs" comes up and then try and claim that the Community viewers are a superior bunch.

People who DVR shows often fast forward though the commercials.

One thing that bugs me on the historical front is that the scale is just too small.    The historical Glaber had more than 3,000 troops rather than the few dozen the show has the budget to let you see.

Well the physics of it absolutely would not work either.    For starters one of the issues that detractors had with the real shuttle was that it could only reach low orbits above the Earth.   It was down with the spy satellites, and couldn't make it up to where most of the communication satellites are.    But we are

So you are saying that you think the girl turned out to be Adam Reed?

Some sort of aquatic tuber apparently.

Rodger, Rodger!