Dread Ninja Roberts

Walking Dead isn't perfect but it's streets ahead of Terra Nova.

Yeah, but instead of .50 caliber guns they had computer controlled stun guns that had little effect on the dinosaurs and were all  totally knocked out by a meteor in one episode.   Yes, it really was that dumb.

It was obvious if you saw the credits.
Back at the time I was happy to learn that  "the guy who did Terminator" was doing the Alien sequel.

I think he just needs a green russian.

I'm sure nobody else has noticed the ads they run for it coming out of commercials every week.   Good job!

Hey we have Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles in LA.

Like pushing rope?

Booting up is a reference to the concept of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" as a way of flying (which obviously won't work due to basic physics).   The joke/analogy was ported over to computers because the computer has to use the operating system to start up, but it has to read the operating system before it

Salted or unsalted?

You really need to watch the rest of it.   The level of "over the topness" just keeps building as the film goes along.

I need to try this for myself

Those are the rules.

I agree with Phoneypope.    I view Full Metal Jacket as two shorter films spliced together.    The first one is better but both are solid.

As is rumored to be happening with American Horror Story.

Possibly because those on the left understand the humor and lots of those on the right simply agree with him?

It's best to just not feed the trolls.

He's the same DRJ who wasn't cut in half because Peter wasn't there to close the portal.

The doctor was the key to the telepathy but he wasn't in control of it.   He didn't want to die.   And when they killed him the links were broken and presumably the "hive" dissolved.

I've thought the same thing.   It may be a matter of being hard to top what they've already done and doing the same thing gets boring.

either naked or wearing some kind of funky bondage gear.