Dread Ninja Roberts

The name Calpurnia reminds me of Monty Python's Life of Brian.

The key to being a left-wing Christian is you pay attention to the parts of the bible where Jesus is talking.

The show drew big numbers for the premiere because there was the huge payoff of the barn slaughter and the death of Sophia in the last episode.    And for that to be so effective they had to have the slow parts where the characters and viewers got more invested in finding Sophia.   Not all the slow time was used as

@ Ellen Dwan:   Todd VDW is Alan Smithee?

Lighten up, Francis.

That episode was a very pleasant surprise.   The glimpses into the Hank and Karen's backstory added some nice depth to the show.

I thought that after the first episode of the season but others here said it has always been the way it is now.

Historical Spoiler?

I find both cases of recasting to be jarring.   With the lead I've pretty much gotten over it at this point for the most part.    I do wonder if that is part of why I think this season is not quite as good as the show was from mid-first season through the second.

Well the waking up in an ice bath part has to be pure urban legend.   A person would die of hypothermia within 10 minutes or so.

One break, coming up!

This review sold a copy to me.

I saw them on the last tour when I got tickets as a surprise Christmas present.   I had low expectations but it turned out to be a very good show.

Runnin' with the Dawes

I took that to mean that Walter is deliberately messing with Astrid's name at this point.   It's become a game to him.

The plot features a meeting of the Astrids, so woohoo!

I'm teaching Historical Geology this semester and I'm going to be Walking with Dinosaurs (and Prehistoric Beasts).

Maybe the reason I felt that way is that John Hannah could pull off that style and make it sound natural.   The new kid and the others in this first episode, not so much.

Santorum factor?

No the show is interesting there are just a lot of people who like to gripe.