Dread Ninja Roberts

This season hasn't been great, but Fringe is still my favorite SF series of the past few years.

No, it's the FUTURE.   They have fantastic computers that can do things HUNDREDS of times faster than a human could!

or you just not watch it?

You seem to have forgotten Fringe

Obviously the ideal writer would be the Greendale Human Being.

Did I pick up a little bit of incest foreshadowing in this episode?   When they mentioned that the nursery school was going to have each parent and kid dress up in matching animal costumes for their Noah's Ark play at the preschool, my reaction was that the animals in the story were a male and female pair so they

Wasn't established in the first or second season that there are security cameras in the marina where Dexter keeps his boat?

you say bukake, I say bu-ka-kay

I also thought that what was the big deal about shooting the gate.   If they were cut off from the future that would stop the whole sending people back to rape the environment theme.

Wasn't the vampire version of Top Gun called Top Gun?

they don't even have an ethos!

With the strong finish I don't put Boardwalk that far behind Breaking Bad.   As opposed to Sons of Anarchy that I would have said the same for before the final episode and the "Deus ex Machete".

and even though Jimmy was shot twice, he didn't die.

Because Jimmy tried to have him killed?

The idea that full siblings could have no common genes is silly.   Yes it could happen but the odds against it would be 2 to the 20,000th power.   The odds are overwhelming that it has never happened and never will. Random variation plays a role when numbers are small, but when your sample set gets big the actual

be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm.

The backlash is crazy.   I wonder if it is because too many commenters think, "Hey I come up with funny, quirky phrases too!   I should be rich and famous instead of her!".

I have friends who have done well in the movie business and it is 99% based on personal relationships.   If you go to the right film school (NYU or USC) the connections can be enough to get your foot in the door.    If you go to film school in some backwater of the movie industry (like for example any school in San

Seriously.   sconn is one bitter little fucker.    Given the nasty personality he projects around here I'm sure life has not been kind to him.

Actually he lives in Orange County California.   Which can be aways from reality at times.  I ran into him and Fieldy at a dive bar in Costa Mesa a couple of years ago.   He was friendly enough in person, but then he was there to see an old (pre-fame) bandmate's current band and wasn't talking dumbass consipiracy