Dread Ninja Roberts

So what color is the sky on your planet?

Humor is a very subjective thing.   I really want to like this show, but I don't.

Apparently not Arsenio.   I had faith going into this finale and I sure feel let down.

Nothing about that show was remotely connected to real life.

It was much more of a clue that they had a machine gun trained on Jax and could have blown him away but didn't.   Plus the whole speaking English and saying "are you okay?" totally invalidates your points about there being white Mexicans.

Like so much of the finale, that version of House of the Rising Sun sucked.

Is Howard Stern still alive?   I thought he died or retired or something years ago.

I don't think Clay and Tara can both survive at this point without massive amounts of suckitude for the show.    But if Clay kills Tara, given what Jax knows at this point, it would seem to preclude Jax and Clay co-existing.    So my hopes are that Clay gets finished off tonight

Gus Fring and Ned Stark would beg to differ.

The back seat of a Volkswagon?

I figure going into it with low expectations may be the key to my enjoyment.

But czar is just a form of cesar, right?   So it is the Romans behind this, but they spoke latin and not italian, so this is really a plot to sell us out to those in Latin America!

I'm still hoping it isn't that bad.   But I'm going to wait for it to come on HBO/Showtime/Starz.

His name helped me to talk my parents into taking me to see Star Wars the week it opened.

we try not to sexualize Anne

The Lizard King approves.

The link to the other lists is dead at the moment, but hopefully will be fixed soon.

I go all vigilante when someone lights up a cell phone in front of me, especially in a theater with stadium seating.   It's gotten pretty nasty a couple of times.

Well when he woke up in the morning he was wearing his underwear.   But isn't that what usually happens in the movies, a couple has sex and then the guy puts on underwear sometime during the night?

And how about Dexter calls 911 and then just does not give his name. Because it is not like they had anyway of knowing the number he called from or anything.