Dread Ninja Roberts

There's a woman who is an outsider because she's all religious and at the end the group are surrounded by bugs and she converts the others and they pray to be saved from their hopeless situation and then infantry drops in.    Then another character says she will only get married if they can do it in a church and the

ST:3 had some decent elements, for what it was.   Mainly that the put in the drop suits that were such a key part of the book.   But it also got weirdly over the top religious at the end.

I agree.   The show has gone downhill but not enough to justify the amount of bitching about it that people do here.

50 did.

Vince Guaraldi wins by a mile for me.
But I like the new collection by She and Him.    They even salvage the date rape song by having Zooey play the wolf and the guy be the mouse.

you better run

I remember when Cars was a hit and for some reason he thought he could play the Forum in LA (16,000 seats).   The tickets went on sale and the rumor was that he only sold 50.

You forgot about the Honey Badger?

I fully expected to hate him, but he has actually been quite good in the couple of films I've seen him in.  (Social Network and the one a couple of years ago about the kid who is kidnapped and then killed).

I guess it is too bad that they guy who smuggled the 8mm camera into the show didn't wait for the shoe throwing to get totally out of control.   But then how could he have known what was coming when he decided to burn his film?     If you note that the description of the youtube clip it talks about it being like a

I thought the reason was that he was too new.   The spy's activities went back before the last pilgrimage.

Actually there was a scene in a mortuary awhile ago where we learned that Tig was into "cold packing".

Well sconn, it only takes a couple of seconds with google to verify it and call you a dumbfuck.

Something wasn't right about the attempted kidnapping at the park with the white guys pretending to be Mexican.

Yes, I was afraid after Gemma's apparent dithering last week that she was going to backtrack and cover for Clay, which would have really sucked the life out of this show.   Her coming (mostly) clean to Jax was a payoff that was a long time in coming.    Sutter delivered.

Didn't Tara kill the stalker guy back in season 1?    As I recall she did more than conspire back then, she pulled the trigger.

It was the first one I bought.   It was also my first stadium concert back when I was in high school.   Peter Tosh and the Outlaws opened at Anaheim Stadium.    Mid-show somebody tossed a shoe up on the stage and Woody lined up and kicked it and it went a considerable distance back into the crowd.   Big mistake.

I think you mean Lou Gramm.

Why is Train to Bangkok an offensive Asian stereotype?   Thailand was a big source of weed back in the 70's.