Dread Ninja Roberts

I got a distinct vibe in this show that "Hunky-Lunky Soldier Love Interest Guy" is going to turn out to be the 6er spy.

"Classic Rock" is just oldies marketed to baby boomers.   It is natural that the songs in the nostalgia cycle change as time goes by.

Yeah, I shot an AK-47 for the first time a couple of months ago.   It really was that easy and I actually did hit my target.  


If the singer has a bad night, people say the singer sucks.

Appetite for Destruction?

Outside the mainstream now I guess.   I remember hearing a stat on New Years eve 1989 that Rush had gotten more radio airplay than any other artist in the decade of the 1980's.

Hear God Laugh is thinking of Page's 58 sunburst Les Paul guitar.

I totally agree.    Sometimes a character, no matter how good they are on the show needs to go.   On Breaking Bad either Gus or Walter had to die and the writers handled it, even thought that meant they had to lose a great character.   On SOA either Clay needs to die (or perhaps go to jail) or Opie, Jemma, Jax and

I also noticed the perplexed reaction in the guy at the first camp.   Something is definitely not what it seemed there.    I also wondered who were the bodies in the van.   It may be that Romeo has a big supply of "prospects" or fringe guys that he does not mind killing for tactical reasons.

The bodies were burned up and bloody but I wondered a similar thing.    I guess him showing up with the bodies would cool down the theory that Romeo was working for the feds.

That's true about most mines, but there exist things like anti-tank mines that give a bigger bang as well.

Hey, no way you can take Melissa Auf der Maur!

Mike Love of the Beach Boys?    The ultra skank and "positive force" just don't fit together.

Flowers is correct.

I think the scoring argument works in favor of soccer over basketball.    When there is the potential for a score developing in a soccer game it means something.    High stakes means high drama.   In a basketball game it really does not matter very much (until the last minute or two) if a shot goes in or not.   There

I've kept watching to this point, but this was the episode that firmly tipped me to the side of concluding that I like the show.    The potential is starting to pay off.

And I'll point out that the giant Komodo dragon ancestor is a lizard not a dinosaur.    And no monitor lizard has the slightest suggestion of a big frill like that.

sigh, kids these days seem to have lost touch with the great screen classics of yesteryear such as Repo Man.

Plate of shrimp