Dread Ninja Roberts


Rule #1:   Cardio

Smart?   He thinks the universe is 6,000 years old.   Sorry, that's an automatic disqualification.

Life in Hell reference?  

I share with Charlie Sheen, I lose more.

Yeah I took that as a friendly random conversation.   Don't cops do that all the time at gas stations?    I thought it was intersting that he asked Jax if he rode, implying that he had no idea who he was, but later knew that Jax was just out of prison (yes, he could have gotten that information off camera but I think

Clap?   That's a standing ovation!

I think you are totally on to something there.   It makes sense that they didn't shoot either Tara or Jax because that was a van full of Feds.    I think Romeo has been involved in too much heinous badassery for him to be undercover, but there is a chance that could be the way that this will turn out.  

And a dog named Boo!

This show is awesome.   The only thing currently on at the same level is Breaking Bad.   Those two are up with the Sopranos as my favorite dramas of all-time

I'm not sure.   I think it would be more Gemma's style to reveal to Opie that Clay just killed his father so that Opie would do the deed.    She wouldn't want to put Jax at risk and I don't think she'd get that much extra satisfaction from him doing it.

When they took the masks off I wondered if they were the white supremacists from way back (I've just started watching this show and have only seen this season and season 1 so far).   Could it be that Romeo is setting up the Sons?

I'm sure they could pick up a bow and just shoot a flaming arrow the correct distance into the night without any sort of practice or calibration.

Well a meteor does not cause an EMP, so the whole basis the plot was very silly.    And I hated how they sat and watched the meteor approaching.   Have any of those people seen a shooting star?    You don't have time to look up and discuss it as it approaches.   The asteroid that is passing by the Earth today is

It wasn't like there was a shortage of female nudity in the show.

I'm not sure I see the difference between a universe and a timeline then.    Since blue and red are very similar they presumably diverged when some fairly recent quantum event(s) went another way.   How is that different from an alternate timeline?


I thought you were just being clever and playful with the meanings.   Perhaps you made  a subconscious connection there.

Several people have mentioned a third universe, but don't we already have 3?    Blue, red and amber?     Would the next one (green, purple) also be a linkage of two others?    If you are going to have multiple universes, stopping at two never made much sense to me.

There was another scene where they focused on him as well and I certainly thought it was pretty obvious.