Dread Ninja Roberts

Tonight's show was pretty dumb.

Like an orange on a toothpick?

After the first one was such a pile of shit, I don't see why anybody would go see any others in this "franchise".

I caught the bloody/clean face which indicated that Geller wasn't real and I also noticed that he did have a cup in the cafe this time.    My impression is that they are deliberately throwing clues both ways at this point.

Did you forget about the door warehouse (or whatever it was) in Monsters Inc?

But that's the night there is the most money for advertising due to the movie studios trying to get people to decide what they are going to see over the weekend.

I'm holding out for Firefly.

I agree.   Having Ames win out over Louis this time was a pleasant surprise.

Funny, I had the thought that the lack of the kids was one of the reasons the show was better this season.

I might be imagining it but I think there was some reference to her being a cancer survivor in the first season.

I took that scene as deliberate misdirection.   Having both cool calm cuts and frantic hacking on the body sounded like the split personality option to me, since there was no physical evidence of two different people involved.

I still give the hottie intern better than even odds of ending up on Dexter's table before the season is over.

A lot of people just like to bitch about stuff.

Why "so much for the Harry Gellar" theory"?     I thought this episode pretty much confirmed that the Professor isn't still alive.    When the waitress went up to the two of them in the booth she only spoke to, or looked at, Travis.    The Professor wasn't really there.

You know I actually like the concept that there are different ideas floating around.      Everybody watching just assumes that everything here follows the standard zombie movie orthodoxy.  This show/comic is set in a universe with no George Romero and no Max Brooks so everybody does not know what is so "obvious" to

So in my case Direct TV gets a bill every time I watch something on HBO.go or Cinnemax.go?

If you get Cinnemax you can watch all the episodes on Cinnemax.go whenever you want to.

What about Firefly?

This show did a good job of filling in the Spartacus niche for a show that looks to be pure sex and violence and then actually has quality to it.