Dread Ninja Roberts

Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"

Well I checked out the show for the first time after hearing good things about it for a long time and was really disappointed with this episode.  It wasn't nearly as funny as I'd expected.

Yeah, not a good episode at all.   It was pretty much just Sheldon being a total dick to everyone and his mother being a total religious freak.    I think the episode really needed some Bernadette or more Amy FF.

I'm sure I heard Jeff Foxworthy use that line back in the late 80's or early 90's.

Matirx = great
Bound = great
V for Vendetta =  solidly good
Matrix Reloaded =  would have been considered good if the next one hadn't sucked great blue donkey balls
Speed Racer=  an interesting falure
Matrix Revolutions =  already noted.

The W's should do a sci fi version of Breaking Bad?

I was seriously wondering if the Logan's Run remake had quietly morphed into the new Justin Timberlake movie where time is used as money.

"We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert…"

You are right, and Teeth was lame and feeble.

Yes Walt killed the two street dealers but that was to save Jessie's life.    I feel the opposite about Gail's murder, Gus was certainly going to kill them and it was only getting to Gail that gave them a reprieve.    I think the conspiring to kill Gus was just frosting on the cake at that point.

I think SNL gets recorded at our house because it is often a compromise solution.   I'm a tyrant who will only allow a single TV in the house and SNL is something everyone can get some amusement out of.     There are plenty of skits on SNL that still appeal to the kidz, particularly the Lonely Planet shorts.

I'm not totally sold on this show yet either, but I'm intrigued.    The performances are very good and it does have potential.

The Wire: most overrated show EVER.

Did he say his favorite show was "Real Time with Bill Mahar"?

I've got a 16 year old daughter and her preference is "none of the above"   She watches Gossip Girl, SNL, The Office, 30 Rock and Community.

Seriously.   My impression was they took a 60 minute episode and just stretched it out to 90 minutes with all the extra commercials.

He actually looks worse than that now.   It looks like he ate the rest of the band.    The video of "Welcome to the Jungle" from the Rio Show is on YouTube and it was passed around the net the other day as an example of one of the worst guitar solos ever.   It was like one of those "shreds" videos but it was what they

Kilmer was very good in Salton Sea and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.   So his later carrier isn't all failure.

Lost sucked.    What sucks even more is having it brought up in so many other reviews.   Please Todd, let it go.

Wasn't the whole reason that the girl picked on Violet because of Violet's smoking?    That really does not make sense that after being attacked and having her face cut they'd hang out together and smoke.