Dread Ninja Roberts

Walt had seen Gus slice one of his guy's throat open with a box cutter just to make a point.    Not trusting the idea that a happy retirement from the organization would be pretty rational.

::turns to reveal that half his face is gone::

Ever seen the movie Frailty with Bill Pullman/Paxton?    I hated it but you might like it.   Oh, and I guess Spoiler warning.

Really that made no sense.   And wasn't Penny really out of line for phoning Raj's parents?    Raj is actually in a relationship and enjoying it.   Where is it her place to decide that the deaf girl is a gold-digger?   Particularly after her comment about Raj looking cuter now that Penny knows how rich he is (this

Rauch had a story arc on True Blood last year, but she wasn't in this past season at all.   She showed some good acting chops by playing very different characters in the two shows.

Boring troll is boring

I also caught the botching of the form on the scientific name on the new species of rhamphorhynchoid.

I have a friend who was born in Malaysia to a Malaysian mom and a German dad and she has very dark skin.   You probably wouldn't guess she has any Europian genes in her at first glance, but her kids are the palest freckled redheads you could imagine.   Recessive genes can be tricky.

A Tremors cross-over?    They will probably do that at some point.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

I agree.   A character can switch sides once.   And maybe even revert back to where they started after awhile.   But more than that?   No way.    Heroes became one of the worst ever abusers of that trick.

Did anybody pick up the NPR shout out with the team the Archers of Loaf were playing?    The Lakshmi Singh's.

Youse guys never saw Elf?

By the way, which one's Pink?

I say we liberals give in on the 2nd amendment.   Let everyone have as many guns as they want.   As long as they are 18th century muskets.    I'm sure the founding fathers didn't imagine letting the average guy run around with an AK-47.

Well the first thing that struck me was that the Brachiosaurs were Jurassic rather than Cretaceous.   It kind of depends on what continent this is supposed to be taking place, since Pangaea broke apart a the start of the Mesozoic era.   By the Cretaceous period there were getting to be more distinct groups of

I'll go rewatch the Arsenal-Manchester United game from a couple of weeks ago that I just can't bring myself to delete from the DVR

He's not a Sicillian.

It's not hard to argue with people if they claim total crap like that.

Bill's point was that the Taliban have killed way more people than the drone attacks.    He wasn't discounting the fact that "collateral damage" gets people really pissed off and creates more terrorists.