Dread Ninja Roberts

JPL is basically the lab facility that does all the unmanned space missions for NASA.   I worked there for awhile.   NASA pays for all the physical objects there, from paper clips to rockets, but the people are employed by Cal Tech (though the money ultimately comes from NASA as well)

Alert the Guinness book.   The guy responsible for that thing has got to have the smallest penis in the world.

If Bruno cost $40 million then I'd have to assume that a huge chunk of that was paid directly to SBC.

Archer > Children's Hospital > Community > 30 Rock > everything else

I'm glad to see "Axe Murderer" getting lots of love because that really is a great comedy.

She's not a retard or 14.

I remember hearing a guy talk about an oncoming comet that was approaching the Earth and claiming that there was a UFO right behind it and that all kinds of spectacular things were going to happen and everyone was going to know that UFO's were real.

Yeah it goes against the approved storyline when you find out that there were more French casualties in the Revolutionary war than American ones.

The only time I've seen them was the last time they played Coachella, and they were fantastic.

If you like the song then yes. I saw them play live earlier this summer and they were solid for what they were. (catchy pop. like the first single).

'I've seen scarier Satan's in a Mr. Big video"

At least he's housebroken.

They were actually critical darlings at one point
I know it's hard for the hipster kids these days to believe, but it is true.

@trilobiter: You've made a lot of thoughtful positive contributions to this and in many ways we see things the same way.

Just like 99% of the teenaged girls in Orange County, CA.

The thing I can't figure out is why would having people believe in things without evidence be such a big deal to any sort of God? Every religion seems make "faith" the cornerstone, but I've never seen good reason why.

She used to be quite a Doll.

A Girl/Guy duet?

Nope he was right. 90% of karaoke success is choosing the right song. Loud, simple and fast is the way to go if you want to be entertaining in a good way. 99% of the people who plow through difficult vocal terrains will have people laughing and or cringing.