Dread Ninja Roberts

I think Heros worked best when you were getting to know the group of heros and they were getting to know each other. They could have maintained that better with a mostly new group of heroes each season. I read somewhere that was the original plan, but they abandoned it when the show, and characters, became popular.

It looks to me like it is a total prequel. So I feel like I know how it will end, everybody dead except the guys who go chasing after the dog in the helicopter.

Miller wins.

I see a parallel with Heroes. Both shows started off strong and the premise of each show ideally called for rotating in new cast members. But it is hard to have characters move on when the actors become popular and Heroes couldn't pull the trigger and get rid of nearly as many as it needed to.

Yeah I googled it. Thanks for the answer though..

The Eric stuff was good enough to carry the episode for me.

So tossin, is a sheep too close then? You clearly have to be a virgin with that attitude.

Fucking nihilists, say what you like about the tenents of National Socialism, at least it is an ethos.

Another option would be to strip the perp naked and tie him to the horses as the horde rode along. He'd fine as long as he could keep up.

Yeah, I tend to stick with shows too long sometimes too.

I also really liked her suddenly going badass and killing the prisoner.

I think Falling Skies is decent enough that I'll certainly keep watching for awhile.

I bought the whole set at Costco last week after watching the HBO series. I'm nearly done with the first book and the HBO series stuck very closely to the books. You would be fine starting with the second book.

Some apparently place Pootie Tang in the so bad it is good category, but I just place it in the so bad it really sucks category.

So you are sayin that at least Raising Arizona had an ethos?

Well it isn't gay if it is in a three way.

Read some of Todd's reviews, he complains about "excessive" nudity all the time. I think the dude has body issues.

As a Red Sox fan it is expected for him to be obnoxious and delusional.

To me, The Final Cut is Roger's first, and best solo album. There really are minimal contributions from the other 3 (or 2 at that point).

The nazi connections in the wall are not random. Pink's/Roger's dad died in the war fighting against the Nazi's and the late 70's saw a rise in anti-immagrant and neo-nazi groups in England. Roger was making a real comment on things going on at the time.
"Would you like to see Britannia rule again, my friend?