Dread Ninja Roberts

It wasn't just a case of any band could be playing the show, they actually did have a "surrogate band" who played most of the second half of the show, out in front of the wall.

"How well would a history/period piece do that went along with established fact until the end?"

Exactly. Did anyone else feel like this version of Camelot could have been made 25 years ago?

I think it was the budget killing off the characters. I assumed they signed Fiennes and Forlani to one season contracts, and as the most well known actors (along with Eva Green), they would presumably be more expensive for the producers.

Goonies is good enough

He knows more than you do!

What about Firefly?

Pre-Pixar emotional beats in animation? Bambi's mother.

A big part of the problem is that the word "theory" has different meanings in science.

It is certainly first tier for me. I'd put it on par with the Sopranos and clearly ahead of Deadwood.

Yes, but that isn't what the fear machine is selling these days.

eh, in good right wing asshole fashion, he is just making stuff up.

Go see it in a multiplex. But pay for another movie, then go watch Sarah for as long as you can stand, then go check out something else if the stupid/funny ratio is too intolerable.

Pitch Black is a flim for people who like good sci-fi and horror. I recommend it highly.

I think it was the shot of "Mt Shasta" with the typical Southern California chaparral in the foreground instead of the pine forest around the real volcano (which is active and it wouldn't be a major shock if it were to erupt).

naw, Dexter is a bright guy. He can be kind of a dick at times when he gets into the rock star thing, but he's certainly smart in an academic way.

It was one of the gimmick candidates who won.

Elvis wouldn't have cared about the association with Huey, since Huey was a nobody at the time. Sports didn't come out until 4 or 5 years after "My Aim is True".

Wow, somebody who really and truly does deserve canceraids.

I remember reading a review in the newspaper when "Sports" came out. It basically said it was pleasant enough but it would never be a hit. HA.