Dread Ninja Roberts

I ge the feeling that continuity is not something they care very much about on this show.

I'm not a big Prince fan, but I saw him at Coachella a couple of years ago and DAMN, he rocked it. His recorded music is good, but he's way better on stage.

She was angry that he hadn't given her as much info as he could have, as soon as he could have. As a result her second in command got shot.

The World Cup is only once every four years but plenty of other soccer draws more viewers than the NFL. A couple of years ago Liverpool played Chelsea on the same day as the Superbowl and that regular season EPL game drew twice as many viewers.

Taxi was a great show that does not get nearly the amount of love it deserves these days.

Greendale is a community college, of course everybody is in limbo

I honestly don't remember my SAT scores but I know I was in the 780 Club for the verbal on the GRE.

Give him credit where its due. He's probably the second best gimmick poster after Cookie Monster.

You KNOW that ZMF would have to be a total pussy in real life.

What seals the movies status as gold for me is that the end of the race scenes were filmed close to where I lived when I was a kid and I got to be an extra in the film.

My wife and I watched the American version a couple of weeks ago and decided that the perfect hire would have been Adam Carrola. It's too bad his version didn't make it on air. The three guys they used in this version certainly don't cut it. The should have aimed higher when picking the presenters for sure.

I bought my first real six string.

Space pope is 100% right. After seeing pictures from him from last week, it is clear that Al Davis IS the Crypt Keeper.

Why are the commnets just above this one and three above totally blank?

She's the anti-Pilkington.

Are you a Bokonist then?

To be fair about it, the other places didn't have flags.

Graduate students: The west's last indentured servants.

I've seen their live show at UCB in LA and it was very good.

More people may watch the NFL but there is no shortage of baseball fans out there.