
His voice sounds like someone doing Adam Sandler's idiot-boy singing voice, but sincerely.

I went to a free comedy festival in San Francisco in 2011, and was thrilled when they announced that Scott Thompson and Kevin McDonald, who were attempting a joint stand-up tour, would be appearing. My joy swiftly turned to appalled embarrassment as Thompson's material took a hard racist turn. I don't remember the

I went to a free comedy festival in San Francisco in 2011, and was thrilled when they announced that Scott Thompson and Kevin McDonald, who were attempting a joint stand-up tour, would be appearing. My joy swiftly turned to appalled embarrassment as Thompson's material took a hard racist turn. I don't remember the

At least it's not yet another ridiculously lame pun on a classic rock album title. Seriously, "Houses Of The Molé?" What does that even mean?

The movie eliminates one of the novel's main antagonists, another character/circumstance that likely would not occur in a more contemporary setting: the hospital administrator who condemns Sara Goldfarb to the electroshock therapy that destroys the last lingering shreds of her consciousness. A young doctor recognizes

I am quite on board with Thylacine. I'm pretty sure I watched every episode of MITM, and I saw not one shark get jumped; I certainly did not witness the show get "so bad for so long." If you really can justify any statement that this show reached a point where it became pure suck, I will listen to your arguments. Go

You'd think much more outrage would have erupted over FG's ridiculous amounts of racist jokes. The show's creator and writers might couch the obvious racism as just trying to be shocking, or as having characters say racist things to point out how absurd racism is, but after a certain point, you're just saying racist

too much belly kissing
Does everyone who sees a sales team of one man and one pregnant woman assume that they're a couple?

"Dave, just let me have this"
After a few minutes of increasingly pathetic interrogation by Dave, Leslie and Andy, I was getting frankly creeped-out/not-funny-ed-out by Leslie's seemingly groundless vendetta against the kid. But that twist ending made it all worthwhile. (And yeah, it did occur to me that perhaps Andy

I will cite Lost, Sons Of Anarchy and The Shield as shows that always, always receive (or received) B's or higher in this forum. And yes, those three shows are paragons of all that is great about television in this day and age, but I believe I've seen them all make missteps on par with the lately-low-rated shows I'm

"I didn't go from being a super-fan to a skeptic over the course of three episodes."
But that's kind of the way TV Club has been feeling the past few weeks. 30 Rock, Fringe, Flash Forward, The Office… many shows here have been reviewed glowingly one week and scathingly the next. And while I know I'm no trained critic,

"I didn't go from being a super-fan to a skeptic over the course of three episodes."
But that's kind of the way TV Club has been feeling the past few weeks. 30 Rock, Fringe, Flash Forward, The Office… many shows here have been reviewed glowingly one week and scathingly the next. And while I know I'm no trained critic,

Kevin's fist bump
Great episode all round, but I laughed the hardest at Kevin's "That's what I'm talkin' about!" when the mama drama became known to all.

D+? Seriously?
Oh my, did someone's editor say that you were being too effusive about this show, and you felt like you needed a good solid pan to bring everything into balance? D+? Really? Come on. Yeah, maybe not the most forward-moving episode in the series' run, but come on, at this point, Fringe would need an Uwe

I never met Bruce Campbell, though I saw him do a q&a before a screening of "Evil Dead II" at the Brattle Theater in Cambridge, MA. My girlfriend-at-the-time had him sign her copy of "If Chins Could Kill." He wrote, "Gimme some sugar, baby!" which I guess was his standard autograph for women.

My brother saw Marilyn Manson open for Nine Inch Nails years ago - I guess when Manson was Trent's new protege - and saw him walking around the audience after their set. My brother said, "You guys sucked!" and Manson said, "Thanks!"

bumped into Natalie Portman in Harvard Square with my van when I was a delivery driver in Boston. She used to hang out at a restaurant where my roommate worked, and once gave him a ride home. He pounded on my door at 2:30 AM to tell me this. I told him it was a perfectly good reason to wake me up in the middle

I just sold my own bride-to-be on having "Today" by Jefferson Airplane as our First Dance. She was dubious about having a song by a band best known for the druggiest of drug music, but when I played it for her, she was in tears (the good kind) by the end.

Stella D'Oro
After seeing Patton Oswalt's bit about the old Stella D'Oro Breakfast Treats commercial, my girlfriend and I, whenever the other commits some really minor transaction, yell "You fuckin' whore!" We've gotten some pretty funny reactions when using that line in public.

That would be amazing. I'm imagining it a lot like a scene from Cheers, only instead of Cliff Clavin going on about a bunch of crazy crap, you've got Watt spielin'.