HotCarl vs Godzilla

Don't watch Congo again either.

"one small isolated ocurance"

FUCK!! Yes, I meant debut. It appears this is a battle I will never win. I play this one on the french. Thats not racist, I am an english speaking canadian and we blame everything on the french.

I second that.

Ugly people make me cry. I should take down the mirror.

She was my favourite part of those movies. I love the way she always looked like she just got fucked. Beautiful.

For all the complete ass kicking Guns AND Roses deput did, Axl is doing his best to annoy everyone into amnesia.

If your mocking my type-os, I can admire that, but I have no idea what you are trying to say.

If I met a 20 year old named Axl, I would think that kind of cool, but a four year old? Are you fucking with me??

"It had a couple of kick ass songs."

For all the complete ass kicking GnR's deput Axl is doing is best to annoying everyone into amnesia. Also Izzy has the real mother fuckin heart, its was sadly lacking from velvet revolver.

flip flip fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip……… adelphia!!!

If seventh heaven has taught us anything ( and it has, it taught me cigarettes are bad, and not to assume your old band buddies are smoking the devil weed just because they're burning incense in the'r RV!) its that religious tv shows, breed hot looking women, who do slutty movies. Oh yeahh…..

Greg Kinnear has all the swagger of a regional manager of sport check. And the outfits.

Franklyn and Bash would be so much cooler if Mario Lopez played the other buddy. Imagine, Zach and Slater teaming up and arguing cases before evil Judge Belding. Luckily they will have their quirky mail clerk Screech and their sexy secretary Kelly Kapowski (who they double team fortnightly) to help them through!! I

Are they going to edit out naughty words and replay every episode nine or ten times during the day? I hope so! Theres no more TBS in canada (we as a nation are still in mourning) but theres Peachtree TV, which is exactly the fuckin same, they just changed the logo. POO. TBS sucks, but so does NBC so we'll see how it

Either way, it sounds like such a good idea that its just bound to suck.

I grew up 30ms from Stratford too. And although spacey could have been in england, the festival in Stratford Ontario is far more successful that its original bBitish counterpart. And yes, Justin Bieber!

I completely agree, the way I liked the movie has changed quiet a bit since I first watched as a teenager. Then I thought it was amazing, but now I like it in more of a Forrest Gump kinda way. Its completely unrealistic and over romanticized version of the settings and the times, as well as having almost every

I seen an interview with Don Cheadle where he said hes trying to put together a Miles Davis bio. He said he had no interest in telling the span of his life, but something a little less structured and focusing more on the actual music. Could be a bunch of bullshit for sure, but considering the talented and vile man