HotCarl vs Godzilla

There is a lot of snobbery in the industry, as there is anywhere, but I wouldn't compare to anorexic models or anything. Most of the heavily modified individuals I have met are extremely nice. I'm not sure how suspending ones self from hooks in your back is about vanity. That, and you can't lump all people with

My girlfriend piercings and tattoos professionally (and makes me damn good money) and has many tattoos and a piercings, as do I (not many piercings though). By the time we're both 30 we will probably be completely covered, aside from our faces. She also has her tongue split down the middle, a small branding and a bit

His novels are his weak spot, but Coraline is pretty great, probably because its meant for teens or children, and the depth missing from Gainmans novels comes off as part of its charms. American Gods is really fun to read, and I actually kept notes so I could go read about all the gods later. The warmed over SK

I seen his interview on the Daily Show it was fucking awesome. He was very funny and in control of the audience, I encourage you to all watch it.

Back when it came out, I admit to having this movie "blow my mind" and I watched it over and over. A few years later (after I stopped doing all the cool drugs) I tried rewatching it but I couldn't make it through. Your all right, the Mark Walberg character, and most of his scenes are pretty awesome, but Lily Tomlin

And this

Norm M is fucking amazing!!!

That is such an awesome clip, I just randomly posted it all over facebook.

This is true, SNL, despite having incredible talent, has always been kind of shitty.

Was any of this really worth posting? Whats anything worth anymore?

Do you mean drone, like as in robots, cause that would be super bad ass.

I'm in!

I would highly doubt she has 50 million dollars.

That, and since when was the word redneck completely derogatory? Maybe it is for you 'mericans but all of the rednecks I know wear the term with pride. I would assume Janeane is not from a rural community then? I'm sure I could look this up, But it comes off as a little ignorant to be assuming people are racist, or of

Does any one else remember battle Battle Trolls?
They were like regular Trolls, but instead of those girly little gems, they wore camouflage and were bad ass.

Oh, man, Don't forget Tiny Danzig

Is he aware crack is made from cocaine?

Don't lump tattoos in with WOW and smoking.

I enjoy actual Mastadons more than the band, but I like that they exist.

I only remembered it because I bought at the gas station. It was directed by Steve Buscemi and reminds me a lot of Garden State, but with out all the suck.