HotCarl vs Godzilla

Lonesome Jim was alright.

*Sorry, Slater was his last name. Was it AC Slater? If only I could look it up somewhere…

How about Zach Morris? And Slater, what the fuck his last name is. They would fuck shit up

No, I'm from a little further west than that, from a small town outside London. The bodies where found on a farm between my town and London, I could be horribly wrong (it was a very hazy period of my life.) But I remember driving by the farm and people pointing it out to me. Most people I know didn't even think it

Your probably right SnaitN I was going mostly off local rumours, and I was having trouble finding anything real on the exact location of a head quarters (if they're even is one). I thought I had read Sonny had retired, but there so much propaganda surrounding The Angels its really hard to figure out. What I head

SKOM, your right, the Friday the 13th ride is a likely explanation, I forgot all about it. I moved away from Ontario a few years ago, but right before I left, eight leaders of the Bandito gang were found executed about 20 minutes from where I grew up. They were apparently from Texas (they were all american citizens)

When I said headquarters I really meant the headquarters for the entire club, not just a Canadian branch. Canada has more Hells Angels members per capita than any other country in the world.

They have a few clubhouses, but the one in London is pretty big, and the parking lot has cement poles so only motorcycles can enter. Theres also cameras on every possible corner, and they own several surround business as well.

The Hells Angels
I grew up in Ontario, and it has a huge HA population (I believe their headquarters are in Niagra Falls), and they really are bat shit crazy. Theres some really cool members, but they're are also very bad people.

Oh man that Tom Waits and Ron Perlman idea is awesome. I wanna watch it right now. If Jeff Goldblum could some how be involved, then it would be amazing.

No the guys that riding in around in uniforms and who are so brazen about their brand of organized crime that they actually have guarded club houses HATE being noticed!

"The entertainment culture that produces and sustains people like him is a cancer on human society"

wtf is who's lol

Im not arguing for skirt shots, or any shots, if I get arrested for taking pictures of my neighbours taking a bath, everyone should. This shit is creepy.

Billie Ray isn't a pimp, when Billy Ray sexually exploits a young girl who calls him Daddy, he actually IS her daddy.

Have those arty chicks never shave, your better off banging the chubbier cheerleader, at least shes smooth.

She probably did this one purpose. If she was worried about it, she would have wore underwear.

So whose looked at it?

The third guy is the worst, at least the first two are getting rim jobs. I guess this really is a case of third prize your fired.

Elron, it doesn't really have the be a ransom call, I just enjoy it when the protagonist is extremely confident or cocky and has an antagonizing conversation with the villain early in the film. The ones where the protagonist basically says "No, fuck you, I'm gonna find you and kill you!" then proceeds to spend the