HotCarl vs Godzilla

To be fair, Almost Famous is still a damned good movie. Its very "movie", but I still like it.

I grew up just outside of Stratford and all my friends used to go there to buy meth. Which is still probably still its biggest export since they shut down Fag ball bearings. The more you know.

Thats awesome, best thing I've read on here all day.

How about a 3d Suicide Club? Or an 3-d Itchi The Killer.

I should be allowed to say it, I made out with a guy when I was on ecstasy!!

f a ggo t

Or you could try my tongue!

A cleansing solution? Like Holy Water? Bleach?

I remember falling off my cousins bunk bed and yelling "Oh my God. He then went and told his parents who scolded me for using the lords name in vein. I didn't know what using the lords name at all even meant. I grew up in a house where we watched Black Christmas as a family every year on christmas, and nick named my

I remember as a teenager getting a lot of those Axe packaged deals for christmas. So many, in fact I might still have some of them somewhere. They smell terrible, but they worked in a pinch when you were reeking liking doobie and had to go science class. They are also highly flammable, so that can be fun.

I remember liking it a lot when it came out, but I can't see myself liking it too much any more. I caught the second one on TV a few years ago and it was really bad. And that was made years before Norbit ever came out, so I can't imagine how terrible this will be.

You must have slept through the entire 90's.

Thats just Robin Williams out for a jog.

*High Fives Ogre

If your interested, my penis looks like Robert Duvall


Shows what you know about welding.

Jesse Ventura is the man.

Agreed, that movie rocks.

I second that.