HotCarl vs Godzilla

Just rewatch the big lebowski

Im liking Anal Cunt

yeah well SLAYER!!! how about that? HUH!?!??! FUCK YEAH!

Or the anniversary of the columbine shootings!

Is this going to end up with Robin alter boys? Where does croc factor into all of this?

I like your style fast and sloppy

I live in Nova Scotia and Spring and Fall are worth the winter. Sure, snow fuckin sucks a lot and heating your house is fucking expensive, but it forces some responsibility on you. It makes me appreciate the summer more. Thats why theres no episodes of Hoarders where it snows.

Peterk, I believe Walt has killed more than one man, didn't he kill two in the first episode as well as Tuco, although I could be wrong, tis been a while.

Drug Dealers are almost always drug addicts who need cash for drugs. They dont give out free drugs. Theres so much meth where i grew up it receives national attention, and I have more than my fair share of drugs and I have never encountered anything of what you people are talking about. Meth sells its self, after you

I like his tv show, ive never heard him perform any music i like, but id much rather listen to him talk than Johnny Rotten.

This was the craziest thing he wrote.

I imagine Ebert emerging back from the depths and stabbing Ben Lyons in the throat with his ass demon thumb nail. WHOO

Reality is over rated.

Whats with all the Roeper hate? He wasn't that great, but the show needed someone like who him, before most genre movies as a rule got a thumbs down. Go back and check some of the movies they tore apart. In the earlier years i found they come off as very smug and arrogant.

Yeah i really dont think what you said actually means anything, but if it makes you happy, fine, you need to cheer up.

Married? are you fucking crazy? Why would that be something you would brag about? You don't know me, and I don't know, or want to know you, but that doesn't mean you dont come off to most people here as bitter and pathetic.

MIM was and is wayyy funnier then scrubs. MIM never had any gay musical montages at the end.

Yeah dude you seriously need to get laid.

If i lived in a city, it would be easier, because thats where the big ass hospitals are, but outside of in the rest of canada, not so much. But yeah, I can't complain about the price, and if your loaded and dont wanna wait you can always go the US, they take cash.

I think silverman and mencia are fucking terrible, and are being using offensive for personal or financial gain, but that doesn't mean they are racist. It makes them insensitive. Dave Chappelle is fucking awesome, but that doesn't mean everyone laughing "got" what he was talking about. Some of them were just racist.