HotCarl vs Godzilla

Does any of that really matter, I mean, if its not fun, its not fun. It would be more realistic if you got the runs and had to stop to shit constantly too, but i do that enough in real life thank you.

Indeed, and who cares, most major game review sites seem like fucking commercials anyway, i dont trust any video game score on meta critic.

I dont know what kind of joke your trying to make here Lee but thats a fucking Beatie Boys song.

Yeah that debate is some funny shit. Its almost like from a movie, people really are dumb. I don't live in the US and can't imagine paying for health care at all, but our system is far from perfect. Theres some long ass wait times, and only major hospitals do surgery, deliver babies and have full time emergency care.

I think racism is funny. People laugh at other peoples differences all the fucking time, but when it comes to the colour of their skin, it suddenly becomes unacceptable. Thats is retarded.

I fucking love slayer AND dwight yoakum,

William Shatner is a god.

Your avatar was also on student bodies, and now i believe hes a weatherman.

Bonk was insane, i cant remember how well it played, but i remember playing a level inside a dinosaur.

What about Bonk?

I like gnarls barkley

Too much mayer eventually leads to….. John Mayer!

Sounds like my mom

Wolf creek was Hostel in australia, but not as good. But it should have gotten an A because of the part where the killer says "thats not a knife, this is a knife" then jabs the knife into whoever his victim was. Awesome.

I would download a shaky camcorder torrent of that!

Just a get a real bright avatar. Im thinking pink. The again I always think pink.

I just watched that movie the other day, its fucking awesome. One of the best kids movie ever, I love it. I have yet to read the book, but i must assume it differs from the movie quiet a bit if Kelly's was so much darker. Ill go find them both and read them.

I vote for steven seagul

It was blasphemous to ever compare kevin smith to either of them and for that I apologize.

Getting Kevin Smith to direct Cop Out is like getting Bob Dylan to sing for Iron Maiden.