HotCarl vs Godzilla

I think he means episodes like the Different Strokes one where that dude gives Gary Coleman a ride home and then tries to give him wine. Stupid shows tackling "serious" issues. But yes, The Trailer Park Boys deserve more love around here. I live in Nova Scotia, where the show takes place and is shot, and its basically

It could be a cop, with his cock out. Now theres a movie!

My wife has a big neck tattoo, but i doubt my kids will get any, that wouldnt be very rebellious of them.

Or he would randomly take a chainsaw to his desk and hack it up. Then the desk would stay like that for weeks. Then he would have a guest on to talk about ceiling fans.

Yes PH, I do, and yes your right, i fucked that post up royally. Not just in grammar either. Canadas population is a tenth of the US, I dont know why I put that. My math isnt that bad, so lets blame the weed, and the fact i saw a bunch of threes. We're bigger geographically anyway!

Damn you shatner stealing mexico touchers!!

Yes, I did mean that ironically.

Like all those other wildly popular variety shows!!! Oh wait, that was the 50s…

Yeah you pretty much described me. I am comfortable in my hypocrisy.

Done compare arena rock to Dane Cook please. What the fuck did Cheap trick ever do to you asshole?

The province I live in's population is less than a third of the most populated city of the country I live in. My country has less a little over a third of the entire population of the country you live in. Not that I'm complaining, but most of you are pretty far from living in the middle of nowhere.

If that show was on FX I would so illegally download that because I cant legally watch it where I live, whooo!!!!!

That, and living your own life can actually be rewarding.

Ahh Carmen San Diego, where have you gone?? I also enjoyed playing the game during recess. That and Cross Country Canada.

And Jimmy Hendrix ripped off Buddy Guy. Anway its all awesome

You guys are all ignoring the OP's shout out to Ghost Writer. the greatest show of all time.

I get that Rush Joke.

The only thing I caught around these boards was syphilis….
Although its nice to have a kinsmen to Al Copone


That must be why i dont frequent karaoke bars