HotCarl vs Godzilla

Jimmy Kimmel is funny, I enjoy his cousin Sal, I dont know what you fuckin people are talkin about, i dont watch it, but its alot funnier than anybody here is letting on… and the sarah silverman show is terrible

I agree, most of my friends weren't allowed to watch the simpsons because they said damn, i used to watch it because was the only cartoon on at night, but i liked ninja turtles way more, and then batman, and that show still rocks

I liked this movie more than the others mentioned, i was too young and missed most of the GI Joe faze, i watched it a bit, but i have no love toward and, and barely any knowledge towards it, but the face that this movie actually has the line "and know is half the battle…" makes it fuckin AWESOME

Lets not forget Tideland

Elliot smith the same way, but he succeeded. I root for arnie her rules.

you sound german

Dear lord, that is just awful awful tv

Mr. Wick
I hope all this commotion gets more people to watch Craig Ferguson, hes by far my favourite, of these old dying late night shows

It would be more entertaining if Carson wasn't so full of suck

Jay Leno is moving into some Oprah territory here, I wish him great misfortune

Lets not discredit exploiting children for entertainment and profit ala Gary Coleman

"who pissed in your cereal" would also be acceptable

Nah, Septic tanks leaks into yard! Stinky Porch, somethings just won't stay buried…

Frailty was sweet, I like the ending, its message was god kills people with an ax. WHOO! I'm just glad they went for it.

Sister Fister

Me too, is he the guy from Big Love, or the guy from Casper?

Hahaha, that clip is great, Ferguson is the true late night king

Lets not forget Preparation H Raymond

as a canadian, i apologize to everyone for nickleback, i really, really do

Ha, I live in poor ass Nova Scotia, and NBC is free here!