HotCarl vs Godzilla

I just watched fringe last night and its actually not bad anymore, I didnt like it all before, maybe im a little too harsh and network tv, but i like it now. Mostly for walter, he rocks

I am a proud one of those 18, and kimbo slice looks too much like a rapist. I would like to see Rampage and MR.T eat dinner together. They both usually only yell the same 17-18 words they know over and over. Entertaining stuff.

Thats true, goddamn hipsters would be peeing blood over this if it involved some shitty indie band. Thats a huge error, do you not have fuckin google? and if you knew anything about rampage you would know he is fuckin insane. There is something not right in his head, hes far from my favourite fighter, but he is damn

"I don't follow wrestling and have never heard of Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. "

because he treats them like the pigs they are


it is, that song is terrible, and although the cover of sweet dreams is a little obvious in its execution, its still better than the original. Manson under no circumstances should be taken seriously, but that doesn't mean he hasn't if only occasionally made some great songs.

I love that he is a filthy, filthy narcissist. What the fuck do you want him to be, Bono? .. shivers..

Yeah cuz thats the only song with a fucking d chord in it! Hes singing Twist and Shout!

Gillette Hater : Hairy Bitch

yeah, like Kanye West

I think after such things as the holocaust, Julie Roberts and institutionalized racism, people just deep down know that they should punished.

That sounds like my kind of party.

I had to go see the Lake House with parents, it was really, really bad

when my dog does what your doing we call it "spotting"

I am from ontario, and can contest to a large of amount of sex and drugs at a very young age, i didnt get much of the sex, mostly the drugs, but alot of people my age around me where fuckin all the time, at least as young as grade 7

Although I did enjoy the shows very casual portrayal of drug use, it never ever ended up being overly funny.

All i ever learned in the canadian public school system is how to snort perks in the back row of class with out being detected.

dont forget roseanne

kevin smiths wife is pretty, for an older lady, but ive seen hotter chicks at Tim hortons, and that place is usually filled with pigs