HotCarl vs Godzilla

I find , when he speaks of song orgins, whether they're true or not, add so much on a second listen. Especially Ol 55.

Just do they Any Where I Lay My Head test, listen to that song, and if you don't like it, shoot yourself. Seriously, its far from my favourite song, but its like concentrated syrup of Tom Waits. Well not really…

apocalypse tom

i ate some red and white mushrooms i ordered from some stupid shsaan drug website when i was buying some salvia a few years ago. they were very big and dry, and very disgusting, they made me very sleepy and weird.

i have had that scene on my ipod for years, cheers me up when it rains

Im glad for the name change. I was beginning to worry people would think this is actually Tom Waits. Not that is necessarily a bad thing, but i would assume him to be far less articulate when using a computer. I hope the love/hate TWFSM has at least inspired people to listen to Tom Waits.

I Kind of agree with him, Its still can be fun to watch, but some of the later season episodes are unbearably bad…. but i guess it beats watching law and order repeats a third time…

WTF are you talking about, first of all, I streamed the video, secondly you can't say R Kelly didn't rape a child on one hand, then accuse me watching a video WITH HIM IN IT, is child porn. I have no problem with R Kelly musically, I like some of his songs, both those are separate issues. The video in question, which

your a fucking idiot, so your saying the people that made fun of R.Kelly for raping young girls and pissing in their faces should be quiet because they themselves enjoyed the videos?? Ill admit once i heard of it i raced to watch the video, and it disturbed me, those girls dont even look 18, its not a


Ive watched Bad Santa every christmas since it came out, its fucking hilarious. (most of the good parts have been pointed out, but the bathtub scene and the part where the kid kicks the bully in the balls is why I watch fucking movies.)

The way Paul smiles makes me wanna smash is face in with a claw hammer, thats just me tho. blah, rolling stones are better anyway

the orphanage had a great ending too

It was a shed, and it was the best part of the movie, who doesn't keep anvils hanging from rope in there shed, you have to be prepared!!

ester rhymes with molester - coincidence?!?!

People under the stairs is the greatest movie of all time. period.

They speak in a series of clicks right?

Shes clearly not a vampire, shes just really good and climbing, flying, and not freezing to death!!

Let the right vagina air out
Are we gonna have to see and american version that too?

American werewolf in your mom!!