
So why do Tyce and the Hairspray director guy who sometimes guest hosts get to be as gay as they want, but the amateur contestants have to be pretend heterosexuality? It puts a hole in Nigel's theory that he's just wanting to present a butcher image to male dancers.

you're forgetting to mention that dancers… esp female ones… need to be able to be lifted and supported by other - sometimes not much bigger - dancers. I've lived with with ballet dancers and cheerleaders who were threatened with being fired because of the "freshman 15," and these were no one's idea of fat girls.

It's not overt homophobia, more heterosexism and heteronormativity, but really saying it's okay if you're gay as long as you don't "act gay" re-enforces a closet mentality.
Is the world going to end if all men don' t act like macho roughnecks? While it's true some of the male contestants are clearly gay, none of them

I'm glad you noticed that the gay dancers seem to be screened out, except for ambiguous cases like Benji. But this isn't a good thing; as I said, it's like the NBA draft with no black people. But I love the show thoroughly.

I loved Invisible Monsters. It was his gayest book, and his most fun. Sometimes I think in his other books he's overcompensating…

SYTYCD is awesome. I don't even watch the other dance show, which I call Sweatin' with the Oldies.

pop music's no more commercial or manufactured than any other commercial genre. It just gets more hate because girls like it.

I did always think it was amusingly ironic that old lip synching Paula was hosting a singing competition. Back in the day she was accused not only of not singing her songs, but using a fake body in her videos (as made fun of in In Living Color's hilarious "Promise of a Thin Me").

Quoting Bill Frist? I bet you think you're clever.

Um, poster above, you are dumber than Paula after a fifth of vodka and a handful of Vicodin.

myspace vs. facebook
I actually like the fact that I have more strangers on my myspace page. I feel much more comfortable blogging and posting there.

that stupid scene in the trailer
I just cannot buy the fearsomeness of Hugh Jackman bursting out of the water roaring like an animal after I've seen him sing and dance at the Oscars.

Re: underoos

I always read your posts in the manner of Jerry Springer sharing his "Final Thought."

Know your Britney, girl
They were dressed like extras from the "Sometimes" video, not "Baby One More Time."

Wait… Glamorama was made… into Zoolander. I think they settled out of court for the similarities there.

I really don't know…
what he's trying to achieve with this movie. Is it just an extended gay joke like Chuck & Larry? Is the joke really on the straight people who react to him, as in Borat?

a paid ad?
Wouldn't it be relevant to point out in the review that this movie seems to be a paid advertisement for the financially struggling Playboy?

The judges have done this before and it is their choice. Clay Aiken was chosen in a wild card round.

There really is a diff between Bright Eyes and the new lineup, as I painfully found out when I attended his concert in Portland and he didn't sing a single Bright Eyes song…because after all we all go to concerts to hear stuff from the new record. Thank god for the 6 dollar beers I got drunk on.